Argentine Jokes

mariposa you forgot the rest of the joke!

How does an argentine commit suicide?
He jumps off his ego - but it isn't the impact that kills him, he starves to death on the way down!
You should be ashamed of yourselves. They are very nice and friendly bunch.

However... I can't help myself.

There's a way to pay for Argentina's debt. Including the vultures.

You just gotta buy one Argentinian paying what he's really worth and sell him at the price he thinks he's worth.

I'm kidding. But it is funny if you think about it.
Why do Argentines like so much jokes about Spaniards?
Because they laugh a first time when they hear one, a second time when you explain it to them and a third time when they understand it.
Why do Argentines like so much jokes about Spaniards?
Because they laugh a first time when they hear one, a second time when you explain it to them and a third time when they understand it.

I don't quite who the joke is calling stupid.
One of porteños:

why there are no earthquakes in Buenos Aires?
Because even the ground cant swallow them.
Here's why the Brits won the Falklands/Malvinas War.

Each side was in it's respective trenches when Richard (on the Brit's side of course) got an idea and told his buddy, "Watch this."

"Hey Carlos," he yelled.
Carlos stuck his head over the edge of the trench and hollered back, "Yeah?" BOOM.. Richard shot him dead.

Richard's buddy thought he'd like to try it, so he yelled out, "Hey Carlos!"
Another Argentine stuck his head up, said "Yeah?" and BOOM. Richard's buddy shot him too.

Meanwhile on the other side, two Argentine's were talking and decided to turn the Brit's tactics back on them.

Carlos yelled out, "Hey Richard!"
Richard replied, "Is that you Carlos?"
Carlos stuck his head up and said, "Yeah!" BOOM -- the Brit shot him.