Argentine Mysteries

omg -- you have one AWESOMELY AWESOME observation I never noticed before: escalators in the subways always go down. yes yes yes! I never realized that but you're totally right. Yes it is the exact opposite of common sense: does GRAVITY make walking down easier -- and gravity isn't exactly a brand new discovery.

Well done!!!!!!
You both may know thats a govermet of the city law for help the people to keep in form and evite the accidents (mostly with the old people), cuz as you may know its more easy went down goin down the stairs, specially when there is a lot of people runing to the work!..

Even though I live in San Rafael, Mendoza I found some elements of your blog article to be extremely accurate!

As my now deceased friend who bought property here and turned me onto the place used to say, "They just do stuff (he used another word) different down here!" I've found that to be the most concise way to answer when people back in the states ask me about living in Argentina!

LOVE to visit BA! Seven days is about my maximum tolerance per trip. Your couldn't pay me enough money to live there full time...! Sure love living in this part of the country however. Best place I've ever lived! They're going to have to extradite me to get me outa here!

I think that the inefficiency of Potreños is to their advantage. Imagine what the unemployment rate would be if everything or almost anything was done with common sense? How often have we past a store that had 3 employees and no customers Actually if someone walked in there might not be enough room for the forth person. If the store was run properly they´d need fewer employees. Why do stores with more than 1 employee close for lunch? Why no keep the store open? It´s the same way in Barcelona, Catalunya. But there, they one step beyond. They put the metal gate down, so you can´t look in the window or read the store name. Great fear of being robbed... at 2:00 P.M.
Buenos Aires.....where the left hand doesn´t know what the right hand is doing.
at Acoyte there are two adjacent escalators , sometimes both go up , other times one goes down and the other is not working and occasioanlly one goes up and one goes down....
The inefficiency its just a sintoma who left the 2001 socio-economic crisis, when the hell you all gonna understand ???.... I would like to see your countrys cross by the same and I'll point their people defects!
Brigadier said:
The inefficiency its just a sintoma who left the 2001 socio-economic crisis, when the hell you all gonna understand ???.... I would like to see your countrys cross by the same and I'll point their people defects!

This is the reason why Argentina is one of the richest countries in the world with a population affluent second to none, no poverty, no corruption worth mentioning (scoring 2.9 points out of 10 (best) so there are only 104 countries with less corruption), no inflation (although there is this tiny 28-29 percent a year “prices distortion and dispersion”) - and it's been like that for the 50-60-70 years since 2010.

There is the other possibility, that you face reality and do something about it, e.g. joining or starting a grass root movement to improve things.