Assistant To Ceo (Part-Time) (Remote) $10 Usd / Hour

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$10 x 15h > US $150 /wk @ official 8.87 > 1330.50 pesos > @4wks $5322

$10 x 15h > US $150 /wk @ blue 12.45 > 1867.50 pesos > @4wks $7470

Without even having paid the internet, phone, electricity to do this job, this is not something anyone could live on. I posted the US ranking as a point of reference for this predominantly North American audience. Had nothing to do with expectations of a "arrogant" American (I'm a Canuk BTW, thank you very much). What I said was that the wage offered doesn't make sense to me. A flat rate of $10 does not justify the expenses to do this job. Those sums would be reduced further ... and we haven't even mentioned taxes (as I imagine the OP is offering this in US dollars as bait to avoid the expense or his legal obligations in Argentina).
I mentioned the McD's raise also as point of reference, not so much for the sum in dollars, but as an index of what this job demands and pays as opposed to that of an unskilled position.
And I still contend that, yes the US have a different cost of living... I contend that it's LOWER than living here. This work would be unrealistic for someone with a family living in CABA. The minimum salary in Argentina is $4716 /m. The op is offering more than that, but this still falls short of an acceptable wage for anyone to live off of.

Maybe a student with a light course load... something like that would be ok, but for most people that I know, the lure of US greenbacks is nice until the real economics kick in.
Man, I paid $50 for a coffee today at Martinez!!! I hardly leave the house these days, but this economy just slaps you in the face.
This kind of Salary 10 usd/hour is best for permanent tourists who are here to pass time..and look for a "mate"...This will help them have some pocket money over and above their savings.
The only "career opportunity" I could find on the website for my zone media is a sales associate (account manager).

Here is the link to the description for the career opportunity (referred to on the website as a "marketing assistant"):

I realize that this company has a number of employees in various countries. It seems a bit odd that a marketing assistant who is located in Buneos Aires would be assigned the task of searching for an assistant to the CEO (who apparently spends a great deal of time in Canada).

That does not sound like a position that would be offered to someone so distant from the home office, especially with primary responsibilities which include:

Schedule management for CEO
Bookings: Flights, hotels etc.
Shopping: Online purchases
Documentation of processes.

Included in the list of Requirements of Applicants are:
  • Perfect written English.
  • Excellent oral and written communications skills
And below the list is the following:

Work hours & Location:
myZone Media works in a “Results Oriented Work Environment” aka ROWE, where the team & CEO work very unique hours from pretty much anywhere in the world. This position allows employees to work from wherever suits them. Applicant must have the ability to work from home or remotely.

I don't want to be overly critical. Perhaps this is actually an example of perfectly written Canadian English.

$10 x 15h > US $150 /wk @ official 8.87 > 1330.50 pesos > @4wks $5322

$10 x 15h > US $150 /wk @ blue 12.45 > 1867.50 pesos > @4wks $7470

Without even having paid the internet, phone, electricity to do this job, this is not something anyone could live on. I posted the US ranking as a point of reference for this predominantly North American audience. Had nothing to do with expectations of a "arrogant" American (I'm a Canuk BTW, thank you very much). What I said was that the wage offered doesn't make sense to me. A flat rate of $10 does not justify the expenses to do this job. Those sums would be reduced further ... and we haven't even mentioned taxes (as I imagine the OP is offering this in US dollars as bait to avoid the expense or his legal obligations in Argentina).
I mentioned the McD's raise also as point of reference, not so much for the sum in dollars, but as an index of what this job demands and pays as opposed to that of an unskilled position.
And I still contend that, yes the US have a different cost of living... I contend that it's LOWER than living here. This work would be unrealistic for someone with a family living in CABA. The minimum salary in Argentina is $4716 /m. The op is offering more than that, but this still falls short of an acceptable wage for anyone to live off of.

Maybe a student with a light course load... something like that would be ok, but for most people that I know, the lure of US greenbacks is nice until the real economics kick in.
Man, I paid $50 for a coffee today at Martinez!!! I hardly leave the house these days, but this economy just slaps you in the face.

I guess the reason Im all hot and bothered is because this was clearly advertised as a part time job, and everyone is complaining that its not enough money to live on. But that is already implied in the title of PART TIME JOB. a part time job is not supposed to provide someones full means of living. If they did, we would all be working part time jobs. You cant say "this is not enough money to live on" because its not supposed to be , by the very definition of a part time job.

I can't imagine how many hours of research, analysis, etc y'all have done just to try to disprove a perfectly decent job posting, but Im leaving this thread now that im completely indignant at how interested some people are in negating/discrediting everything that's ever posted in this forum. If you don't like the job offer, you can simply not apply for it.

un besito

EDIT: hi - sorry - <3 <3 <3
The OP might have been better received if he had posted "P/T assistant to CEO" and a rate of 125 pesos an hour. That is not high (I think it's about what language professors are charging per hour) but it's certainly not awful and since it's night-life focused, it probably is best suited for a young person who wants some spending money. 7000+ pesos a month for a p/t job is more than in line with market wages and I imagine there would be quite a few interested applicants.

Although I found it odd to imagine any CEO only needing p/t support. But that's me.
The OP might have been better received if he had posted "P/T assistant to CEO" and a rate of 125 pesos an hour. That is not high (I think it's about what language professors are charging per hour) but it's certainly not awful and since it's night-life focused, it probably is best suited for a young person who wants some spending money. 7000+ pesos a month for a p/t job is more than in line with market wages and I imagine there would be quite a few interested applicants.

Although I found it odd to imagine any CEO only needing p/t support. But that's me.

It's difficult to imagine that the CEO of this company (who apparently lives in Canada most of the year) would have one of his "marketing assistants"(who is located in Argentina) seek an assistant for him unless all "marketing assistants" are also known within the company as assistants to the CEO.

Even if they are, would they all be "responsible" for the following?

Schedule management for CEO
Bookings: Flights, hotels etc.
Shopping: Online purchases

How could this be efficiently accomplished if the assistant wasn't in face to face contact with the CEO on a regular basis?

The home page of the company website features a banner photo of the CEO with a group of guys and gals who I "assume" are employees. Did they only get together for the photo? Does the CEO work alone otherwise and relay on an online assistant to book his flights and hotels and make online purchases?

The bottom line is that this job posting has left some important questions unanswered and the OP has not posted since starting this thread.

The contact email he provides is associated with the company, so the OP probably does work for my zone media, but it doesn't look like he is the CEO.

This isn't the first job offer thread that has raised legitimate questions and I hope anyone who is "completely indignant at how interested some people are in negating/discrediting everything that's ever posted in this forum" will read this even though he has already left this thread. I'd also like to know who are the "some people" he is referring to.

While it's true that "If you don't like the job offer, you can simply not apply for it," I hate to see anyone be misled by a job offer that might not be 100% genuine.

Those who remember one expat from Colorado know what (and who) I'm referring to. I "challenged" some of his posts which appeared to be "perfectly decent job postings" and he accused me of "effing" with his posts.

Not only was he "hiring" other expats to work en negro, he never paid most of them. He was also on the run from the authorities in the USA and had a personal profile on a dating website for millionaires (which he obviously wasn't).

PS: Doesn't it makes sense that if this a a legitimate job offer (even though it is part time) that the individual who made the first post would at least answer the questions that have been raised? Perhaps he only wants to communicate with prospective employees in private, but as I previously posted, I would contact the company directly to be sure this is legit before sending personal information to anyone, anywhere, and especially in Argentina.
Steve: it's conceivable that the OP is also paid a pittance to post ads like this and that his job description doesn't include walking the extra mile to answer questions.
Schedule management for CEO
Bookings: Flights, hotels etc.
Shopping: Online purchases

How could this be efficiently accomplished if the assistant wasn't in face to face contact with the CEO on a regular basis?

Due dilligence is ALWAYS a good thing. Checking out a company and its background is (or certainly should be) an esential step in any job application.

But in answer to your question - it really would be very easy to virtually support anyone and do all of those things. You absolutely wouldn't need face to face contact for that type of position and that's true of all types of work. I had people report to me that lived in China and Slovakia and India, etc. Being in close proximity with one another is not required for many jobs. My travel agent/admin support was in the US for example while I was based here.
Steve: it's conceivable that the OP is also paid a pittance to post ads like this and that his job description doesn't include walking the extra mile to answer questions.

Even if that's true (and since the email address is to the "marketing assistant" in Argentina) he would probably spend less time answering a few questions here than replying to similar (if not the same) questions asked in individual inquires.

It is also possible that the CEO delegated the initial search for an assistant and wants his marketing assistants to present only the best candidates.

Until the OP replies or someone who makes contact with him posts about it, we just won't know for sure.

I suggest anyone who is seriously interested in this job offer contact the company through their website to verify the OP's affiliation with the company and his "authority" to seek candidates for the position.

PS: I wonder how a "marketing assistant" who is only "paid a pittance" would feel about (as part of his job) being instructed to advertise for an assistant to his CEO that would be paid $10 USD per hour.

I believe the pay level for a marketing assistant (like the OP) was published in a previous thread he started. I posted the link to it in this thread. It doesn't look like a BA standards.
Its very easy to get a part time assistant.

I pay a Argentine college student 100 pesos a week to fix my appointments/make phone calls for me etc etc. she is more than happy with the deal.
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