ATM Update

Our Charles Schwab card is actually issued by the Charles Schwab bank and has no fees. We just took out 600 pesos today and Galicia did not charge us.
Did anyone have to pay 11.50 at Banelco?? Is Link the same? Bank fees are getting crazy!
ghost said:
Would some of you care to post an update on the ATM situation. Is the limit back down to $300 pesos per transaction or is it still at $600 plus or minus.
Considering the new Fee Harvesting ploy the $300 peso limit would be rather costly

i tried various larger amounts. I was able to receive 890 pesos, tops with an HSBC dedit card. Plus 11.46.
Just got back from the ATM, Superville Bank, on the 3900 block of Libertador, was able to take out 600 pesos at a time, and yes they charged the 11.52 service fee. The difference here was they asked on the screen if you would accept the fee, had to push yes or no.

At least I was able to get a larger amount out...will shoot for a higher amount next time, and hope for the best!!
Using Euro/Master, today I took out AR$ 800 in one transaction through Link, was charged AR$ 11.58.
Regarding bank fees, aren't there really 2 (at least) possible sources for fees when withdrawing cash from a checking and/or savings account? A fee may be charged by your bank where your account is and another fee may be charged by the "owner" of the ATM that you use. Also, withdrawal limits may be set by the bank where your account is and/or the "owner" of the ATM. In addition, obviously if you are using a credit card, you will likely incur an additional finance charge. All these fees can be/may be completely independent.
My bank in the U.S. charges me a 1% "currency conversion fee" and no other fees for withdrawals. For some time here in BA I was able to withdraw cash in pesos (up to $2,000 per day) at Banelco (from my U.S. bank) and incurred no fees for use of the ATM. That seems to have changed recently and now (today) I am charged 11.58 pesos/withdrawal by the Banelco ATM. Interestingly, if I use my local bank (Itaú) account (caja de ahorro en pesos) of course I am not charged a "currency conversion fee", nor a transaction fee from Itau, nor a charge from the Banelco ATM.
Bottom line, there are a lot of variables and permutations regarding the fees that an individual may incur when withdrawing cash from an ATM.
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