ATM's in Brazil $3000 USD Withdrawals..??

Article says you can buy foreign currency with reales and/or trade foreign currency to obtain reales.

Los cajeros automáticos podrán vender dólares (y euros) a cambio de reales o vender reales a cambio de dólares (y euros)”.

You must use an internationaly valid card.

Para acceder al cambio vía cajero automático, el usuario debe insertar una tarjeta (de divisa internacional) que le permita su identificación.

The system is not yet implemented/operational everywhere.
Well, if worse comes to worse, could then withdraw 3000 USD in reales, go to the exchange bureau and buy USD bills??? If must pay a 3% in exchange fees may be worth ....??
Will have to wait and see....!!
You may as well just go to the US, given there is not a helluva lot of difference between flight prices.
trennod said:
You may as well just go to the US, given there is not a helluva lot of difference between flight prices.

The most affordable way is to go to iguazu and cross the border to Brazil, it's ok if you are visiting but not worth it to go there just to withdraw cash...
What about the fun of visiting Rio...?? for Free...??