Baked Beans


Jul 21, 2011
Hi all,

I've lurked here for a few months and searched for this but had no joy in Micro or Palermo area. So I promised to make a traditional english breakfast but can't find them in any of the supermarkets. Is Barrio Chino where it's at?

lewitravel said:
Hi all,

I've lurked here for a few months and searched for this but had no joy in Micro or Palermo area.
Make'm yourself - extremely easy and cost next to nothing.

Boiling dried beans:
Soak beans overnight (at least 6 hours) in cold water.
Drain and throw the liquid away (slightly poisonous).
Rinse beans and add fresh water.
Let the beans simmer (boiling, but only just) until tender, approximately 1 to 3 hours, ready when easily broken at light finger pressure.
Drain and throw the liquid away (also slightly poisonous).

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An even easier "hack" is to buy a tin of Porotos Alubia white beans and a jar of La Campagnola Extracto Triple de Tomato (from Jumbo, Carrefour or Disco). Empty the entire contents (liquid and all) into a pot, add one teaspoon of tomato extract (or more to taste) and heat them up.

Ok, it's not perfect as the beans are a little large and the tomato sauce is not as sweet (perhaps you can add sugar) but it's close enough not to be a big issue. In fact, I'm sure they do this in Gibraltar when they serve a full English. won't find them in barrio chino. With the exception of Twinnings tea (yuck), I really can't remember ever having seen any British products in the supermarkets here. I once saw a few cans of US-brand molasses baked beans with sausage in a Jumbo but that was a couple of years ago... If you're searching for a can of Heinz beans, forget it.
I normally use alubia beans, tomato sauce, tomato puree, sugar, salt and a bit of hot sauce. Its not the same, but if you cover it with cheese or serve it as part of a bigger breakfast, I'm sure it'll work fine.
Just near Abasto Shopping on Corrientes there are two options of places that occasionally have Baked Beans. One is an import store (cans and boxes of delights) a couple of shops up on the corner Aguero /Corrientes near the subway exit.
The other is a deli type shop further towards Pueryeddeon (if you cross P Av you have gone to far!), same side of the streets as Abasto. Look for the window display of a whole selection of can and dry foods. Good little finds in there sometimes.
But a trip to China town is always worth the effort!!!
Thanks for the input. I could make them but it sounds like effort! I will try chinatown and the place near Abasto. I'm thinking when the family comes over to bring a suitcase and set up a stall to sell the goods at Facu de Medicina!
John.St said:
Make'm yourself - extremely easy and cost next to nothing.

Boiling dried beans:
Soak beans overnight (at least 6 hours) in cold water.
Drain and throw the liquid away (slightly poisonous).
Rinse beans and add fresh water.
Let the beans simmer (boiling, but only just) until tender, approximately 1 to 3 hours, ready when easily broken at light finger pressure.
Drain and throw the liquid away (also slightly poisonous).

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how is it poisonous?
Canned beans don't really exist here - especially without paying crazy prices. In the US a can of black beans is $1USD - here is 15 pesos. So...

I've been making black beans myself for 2 years now. I make a big batch then separate them into smallish tupperware containers and freeze them. Works great.

Just get some dried beans in barrio chino and you are set. Is quite easy - google it.