Trying to compare Christina to Obama is futile considering there is really very little in common.
Number 1 . Christina is not controlled by a private Federal Reserve that can print trillions of dollars and then make the government via the citizens pay for this as is the case in the USA.
Number 2. If Argentina could print its own money that was accepted all around the world they also could fullfill many promises . Remember in Argentina we have the Argentine Peso .
Number 3. The USA and Argentina have nothing in common in regards to Military spending which takes a huge part of the USA budget.
Number 4 . People take too much credence in the Presidents and politicians in charge . The real power brokers are big business and they can topple and elect governments as is the case in many countries. Democracy is a false illusion to make people feel better.
Number 5. If we compare personal freedoms and human expression Argentina rates very high compared to many developed societies .
Number 6. Media controls peoples mind and they are not even aware of the fact . Subtle messages and signals create the desired effect causing a mass thinking mentality. I believe that free thinking should be encouraged and alternative points of views not be censored . I see this trend becoming more common with personal attacks of people who dare say something that is different from the norm. Calling someone conspiracy theorist or loonie is very common and is used by many to silence any different opinion.
Media should be balanced and not tied up in a few hands. I am very concerned that Obama is passing a new law prohibiting free expression on the internet. To me this is a sign of a dictatorship and will create a docile controlled society.