I'd like to rent a spot on the beach for the whole month of February. I want to stay away from Mar del Plata but otherwise am looking for suggestions about beaches that people like and maybe even a company or service or landlord you've worked with before.
I'm looking for:
Accomodations up to 4 (it doesn't matter if it's a department, house, cabana, etc.)
Less crazy than Mar del Plata but with places nearby like a market, restaurants, maybe a bar, etc
Access from Capital via bus
If it has internet that's ideal but as long as there's a place with internet nearby I'm set (since I'll have to make some pretense of working that month)
I can spend up to $4,000 pesos/ $1,000 US and have found several places on Mercado Libre and soloduenos.com.ar but thought I'd ask the group since there's always good advice to be had here!
Thanks much.
I'm looking for:
Accomodations up to 4 (it doesn't matter if it's a department, house, cabana, etc.)
Less crazy than Mar del Plata but with places nearby like a market, restaurants, maybe a bar, etc
Access from Capital via bus
If it has internet that's ideal but as long as there's a place with internet nearby I'm set (since I'll have to make some pretense of working that month)
I can spend up to $4,000 pesos/ $1,000 US and have found several places on Mercado Libre and soloduenos.com.ar but thought I'd ask the group since there's always good advice to be had here!
Thanks much.