Best Gin Brands Available In Argentina

I would suggest giving "LLAVE" a try.

It's the cheapest gin you've ever bought and if you're planning mixing it with tonic (rather than using it for martinis), you might not be able to tell the difference from good brands.

Lots of domestic items here are shite, but Llave is surprising good. (Plus, it's so cheap, it's not like it's going to put you out to try it.)

Principe de los Apostales.

Locally produced, high quality gin made with yerba mate.

I'd been a vodka martini drinker all my life until I discovered apostles. Best gin I've had anywhere.

PhilipDT's Argentine Martini:

Chill a martini glass by filling with ice.
Fill glass with extra dry vermouth
Fill a shaker with ice, mate gin, and 2 drops of rosemary tincture.
Stir do not shake
Discard ice and vermouth from martini glass
Strain gin mixture into the glass
Serve with green olives.

Principe de los Apostales.

Locally produced, high quality gin made with yerba mate.

I'd been a vodka martini drinker all my life until I discovered apostles. Best gin I've had anywhere.

PhilipDT's Argentine Martini:

Chill a martini glass by filling with ice.
Fill glass with extra dry vermouth
Fill a shaker with ice, mate gin, and 2 drops of rosemary tincture.
Stir do not shake
Discard ice and vermouth from martini glass
Strain gin mixture into the glass
Serve with green olives.
This is the cocktail James Bond drinks on his trips to Argentina. Which vermouth do you use? How much will this gin set me back?
I NEVER EVER saw this one! Where can one find it and how much is it??
I leave for Prague this week and would like to try it before I leave!!
I just read now that it is a very limited brand only available in certain bars and thus rather exclusive
I only found it on Mercado libre for 198 pesos much more than Tanqueray or Bombay here!
Is it worth the difference??
It's about 180 in vinotecas.

For me that is not that expensive for a high quality spirit. It's for sipping not for Jell-O shots. I don't drink other gins and the vodkas I use in my martinis is usually around 300 so in that sense, for me, it's almost a bargin.

If you want to try it before you buy it go to Verne Club. Tell the main bartender there (short and somewhat portly) that Philip told you that you needed to have an apostales martini. When you're done ask to try the local absinthe which is being moon shined in villa urquiza (if you like that and want to buy some send me a pm and I'll sent you up with the producer)

Side note, this gin is partly responsible for my pounding headache at the moment. So that's a potential negative
Thanks for the tips
I had 2 double(but MY double) Gin Tonics last night with wine at dinner and I feel fine
Maybe I have more years of experience!
Absinthe I can still get in the Czech Republic but that's a killer
I had a bottle in my cupboard more than 10 years after having had 2 sips! I wound up giving it away!
Whenever I feel a bit weak the next mrning(hangovers are now a word in my past vocabulary) I buy a regular Coke
not zero, light, cherry, with stevia, etc THE REAL STUFF and it helps a ton!(nd I never drink soft drinks except for tonic water with my gin!)
Thanks for the tips
I had 2 double(but MY double) Gin Tonics last night with wine at dinner and I feel fine
Maybe I have more years of experience!
Absinthe I can still get in the Czech Republic but that's a killer
I had a bottle in my cupboard more than 10 years after having had 2 sips! I wound up giving it away!
Whenever I feel a bit weak the next mrning(hangovers are now a word in my past vocabulary) I buy a regular Coke
not zero, light, cherry, with stevia, etc THE REAL STUFF and it helps a ton!(nd I never drink soft drinks except for tonic water with my gin!)

For hangovers, drink plenty of water afterwards. Alcohol drains you! Often hangover headache is due to dehydration.