Best Milanesa in BA?


Jun 16, 2010
Where is it? Now that Standard is closed where do I go for a great Milanesa?
This is one of the most inconsistent dishes in my experience...even restaurants that are otherwise quite good can end up serving a shitty milanesa.
Never had any luck with milanesas in restaurants. They always have too much bread and end up soggy.
I got the best one in 'Imperio', in Av. Corrientes and Scalabrini Ortiz, in the corner.
i assume we are talking veal milanesa? My parents will not com visit unless I can find a good one....
Casa de Milanesa on Maipu in Vincente Lopez //just past Gnl. Paz autopista--or Casa de Milanesa in Nunez --- 25 or more selections!!! Cozy,small, and affordable!!!
At La Farola (in all its locations) milanesas are just perfect, big and whit huge sidedishes. Go ready to share with someone or ask for a doggy bag.
i second la farola! i tried the napolitana there and at club de la milanesa and thought la Farola's was waaay better. it's also worth it to go there just to marvel at the sheer size of the milanesa... huge! the seasoned fries (don't remember what they were called) were tasty too
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