Best Places to Meet Guys


Nov 29, 2010
In light of the "dating in Buenos Aires" thread growing exponentially, I wanted to start a new chain about what/where expat women have found are the best ways/places to meet Argentines in the city. So far, I've found the universal tried-and-true method of meeting friends of friends best, but I'm interested to hear of others' successes!
Seriously? If you are 20 something, guys like dogs are everywhere in this town. Just walk out the door.

Just remember that here, the skirt can never be too short, jeans never too tight, and bra never too pushed up.
hey everyone, I just started a new blog about cross-cultural relationships -love, hookups, dating - in Argentina, especially in BA between Americans/Europeans and Argentines.

Please check it out and tell me what you think, I need feedback!
I met my Argentine boyfriend on (for Argentina... they have them for many countries) and can honestly say I´ve never been happier in a relationship.

It may seem like a slightly unconventional way to meet a significant other, and of course everyone´s experience is different with that sort of thing, but I highly recommend it for anyone looking for something serious. This is especially true if you may not be completely outgoing and extroverted :)
@Lauren23, Q: how many men did u met before the right one on the whole "leads" thing on online dating makes me feel uncomfortable.
@everyone: where to find men in their mid/late 30's? Preferable expats but maybe also locals
@Lolimundo: I have to admit, I got exceptionally lucky when I met my BF (he was the first and only one I met from the website. But when you know it´s right...)

However, I don´t believe that my situation was necessarily a fluke. The website was recommended to me by my own mother, who met her husband on Match almost 6 years ago! :)

In regards to your concerns, some websites are more reputable than others (ie: No Craigslist killers for me, please!). But generally it´s fairly safe, discreet, and you have the opportunity to find out the most important facts (common values, etc.) right off the bat.
lolimundo said:
@Lauren23, Q: how many men did u met before the right one on the whole "leads" thing on online dating makes me feel uncomfortable.
@everyone: where to find men in their mid/late 30's? Preferable expats but maybe also locals
I,m in my late 30,s:rolleyes: very, very late 30,s:cool: