Bienes Personales Question


Jun 6, 2005
What is the percentage that has to be paid on Bienes Personales? Is it 1% ?
What is the percentage that has to be paid on Bienes Personales? Is it 1% ?

It varies from .5% to 1.75% depending on the value of the asset.

Properties valued at less than $305.000 have been exempt since 2009, but that threshold could have been raised to $800.000 in July if the proposed legislation was approved. That number may increase again in 2017 if additional legislation is approved.

I'm not sure of the "valuation" is based on the amount shown on the ABL invoice or the amount on the escritura. I paid the tax for 2006-2008 based on the amount on the escritura and it was higher than the amount shown on any of the ABL invoices I received for any of those years.

PS: In 2006 I was told there were different rates for residents and non-residents but in the past year or two I learned that residency isn't an issue, just the value of the property.

Enviará al Congreso un paquete que incluye la elevación del mínimo a $ 800.000 y la eliminación del impuesto en 2019; habrá un blanqueo que permitirá regularizar capitales con una tasa del 5 al 10%; habrá moratoria y premios a los cumplidores
What about bienes personales on investments or money in banks?
What about bienes personales on investments or money in banks?
Money deposited in a savings account or CD deposit has to be declared when it is over 305000 pesos but it is exempt.
Money deposited in a savings account or CD deposit has to be declared when it is over 305000 pesos but it is exempt.

What is the bienes personales tax on sums over that amount? Also I believe large sums of money in cash are to be reported, right?
What is the bienes personales tax on sums over that amount? Also I believe large sums of money in cash are to be reported, right?

The tax is as follows

$305.000 - $750.000 0.5%
$ 750.000 - $2.000.000 0,75 %
$2.000.000 - $5.000.000 1%​
+ $5.000.000 1,25%

It is paid in 5 payments ( in advance ) each year. If you have cash bills in foreign currency you must estimate the value using AFIP's exchange rates.

Here you have more details:


or next fiscal year, the minimum will be 800000$ and the % have changed.​
one thing to be aware of is that if you are not a legal resident of citizen, they wont take your money.
they will tell you that you owe it, and they will charge you interest if you dont pay it, but they will not allow a foreign citizen with only a tourist visa to pay.
We use an accountant, and, much like a garantia, she must file a signed statement by a Buenos Aires property owner with the bienes forms.
Then, you can pay.
I pay all at once, in one payment, and get a discount from the five payment total.
If I have a property, the value of which is under 305k according to the escritura, but over 305k according to the ABL invoice, should I be paying this tax?

And if I have owned said property for about 5 years and have never paid it, but should have been, what would be the best thing to do? If I go and try to put everything in order, am I going to be charged a fortune in interest and penalties? Should I continue to ignore it and wait and see if the rules/limits are changed in the next couple of years??