Bike Parcelled From Overseas?


Apr 28, 2014
Anyone successfully had a (mountain) bike parcelled to them from overseas?

Ive had plenty of small parcels arrive safe and sound with just the usual long wait and 50% tax. I want to build a bike so it would come in pieces in a fairly large box.
My guess is that the bigger the box, the more scratch you'll have to shed at aduana :p . Luckily since it's not electronics and such, the inspector may have no interest in 'commandeering' your stuff.

Honestly, I've still waiting on a recorded DVD since 2006... not even a heads up that it ever arrived.

How do you have things shipped usually so that you are assured that the items arrive?
How do you have things shipped usually so that you are assured that the items arrive?

There was a period 3 to 5 years ago when I had 30 odd parcels sent to me - various model radio control gear- mostly from Hong Kong. Im pretty sure it was priority post EMS or the like. Every single parcel arrived (eventually) without any signs of tampering and I wasnt made to jump through any hoops or pay beyondvthe ordinary. Hoping with Macri this kind of thing will be a bit easier.
There was a period 3 to 5 years ago when I had 30 odd parcels sent to me - various model radio control gear- mostly from Hong Kong. Im pretty sure it was priority post EMS or the like. Every single parcel arrived (eventually) without any signs of tampering and I wasnt made to jump through any hoops or pay beyondvthe ordinary. Hoping with Macri this kind of thing will be a bit easier.

I would love to make at least a few orders from amazon in the US for non-electronic carpentry items that I just cannot ever hope to get here, but even the idea of the mark-up and slimy aduana leeches jolts me back to reality. I await holidays abroad to bring home anything of value...and weight... damn carpentry stuff is too heavy :p

Although, a few years ago I got a breadbox sized parcel for my daughter from Montreal via PP with minimal 'opening'. It's a good thing too, grandpa sneaked by $100 CDN inside a birthday card :p . The DVD I mentioned (and funny enough-only works in zone 1) got sent with PP also but never arrived.
So, seems that items that are easy to fence disappear while the more mundane things slip through. I think it depends on the leech checking your stuff.
Pay a professional freight forwarder. No duties , no customs , no hassle. Pick up when it arrives. But be preparred to pay.......
Pay a professional freight forwarder. No duties , no customs , no hassle. Pick up when it arrives. But be preparred to pay.......

Can you recommend a freight forwarder and how much $ would they expect. Also Im in Salta which probably complicates things...
I myslef wouldn't even want to deal with this...much less pay through the nose for it. I had a credit card from Europe sent to me a few years ago as mine was stolen and i had to pay a ludicrous import tax because the plastic was imported! Good luck!
Have it sent to friends or hosts in Chile, order some bikepacking parts with it and cycle it across the border. In the end will be much more enjoyable.