Biking In Ba... Routes And Equipment


May 26, 2011
My bf and I have been to BA a few times before but this time we are bringing our mountain bikes. We are not interested in the usual touristic guided tours, we wanted to know if there are any good places to bike round.... Like perhaps ride one of the subway lines to the end or if there is a good biking website or info available?
Also I have heard a little about how hard it is to get equip for bikes and was looking for some on the ground advice...we have most things but should we be bringing spare chains,tyres, mudguards or is this acessible.
Lastly, we are heading up to Salta area after BA and staying in this area for 3+ mths, any contacts with biking clubs, groups or enthuasiasts would be appreciated.
Check out this site. This is the bike route map in BA.

To a foreigner the traffic here might look like a disaster, but I must say that as a runner, inline skater, and cyclist I get more respect from motorists that I thought I would.
Spare chains are available. If you are looking for specialty tires and such you might want to bring your own. The prices here are absurd and the choices are minimal.
Specialty tires may not be widely available but most bike accessories are. Be careful with expensive bikes as there is risk that they may be stolen.
To a foreigner the traffic here might look like a disaster, but I must say that as a runner, inline skater, and cyclist I get more respect from motorists that I thought I would.

That might be true, but when I was skateboarding in the city I almost got ran over multiple times. One time I had to jump off my board and watch it get run over . Luckily they hit the tail of my board and it flipped up and put a good dent in their fender. Ofc they didn't stop
Thanks for the quick replies, I'll check out the website and think it's best we bring a few things to start rather than risk it.... Our bikes,are middle range, not too fancy and we have 2 sturdy bikelocks.... But I've biked in Quito/LaPaz and know if they want to steal the bikes they'll find away.