Brazil: Cunha Or No Cuña?


Apr 1, 2014
I see in today's B,A, Herald that Eduardo Cunha speaker of Brazil's lower house and a recently declared opponent of Dilma who is key in calling for her impeachment has been requested to explain why he has 4 Swiss bank accounts.Could he have been using his opposition to her as a scapegoat mechanism? Humm,? Maybe Cunha has lost his "cuña" . "Cuña" in Argentine slang (lunfardo) means "influence" and has the same pronunciation in Spanish as Cunha in Portuguese.Also his pix published in today's Herald is none too happy.
Election season is just awesome. Justice system works like they're high on RedBull. They work so beautifully that a lot of the times they find evidence where none exists. :wub:
This afternoon.

Well,it's about time.As is now well known the Brazilian Judiciary is working like a charm especially this judge Moro from Curitiba,I believe.It is ,indeed,gratifying for us in the Southern Cone that such a separation of powers is operating so effectively.
Let's see if Cunha takes advantage or not of Brazil's Plea Bargaing Law and perhaps fingers some more crooked politicians possibly close to Temer himself.Maybe there will be direct presidentioal elections in the making.
As Dilma herself said a few years ago about the Honduran elections after the coup there. "Ao final, sao eleccioes."
In the end,elections are elections.