nicoenarg said:
Oh wow, it seems like I'm talking to a kid in primary school who offered to share his lunch with me and when I didn't take it, he got offended.
I did not get offended. I am actually relief as it would have been really stupid to make some calls in your regards when you proved to be mentally unstable.
nicoenarg said:
You taught in one of the most prestigious schools in my country? Do you even know where I'm from? And by the way, just because you know other languages doesn't mean you know every language perfectly. You clearly don't know English very well, if that offends you then so be it.
I though you were British and I am sorry if I was wrong. I do not even know perfectly my mother tongue, that is one of the drawbacks of been a perpetual expatriate but on the other hand it comes with the benefits of speaking many others well enough and I will argue even "very well" against your conjecture. No, it does not offend me but it is an idiot's response to focus on one or two grammar mistakes and try to use that to reduce the credibility of the post. And I found that particularly pathetic in a site that is for Expats and not for Shakespeare lovers and coming from you because the only thing you seem to master well is English.
nicoenarg said:
Your posts today have been both childish and outright stupid at times, I'm inclined to blame mid-life crisis for it but I'm afraid it might be something more serious than that.
This is, using your words, a conjecture. I do not agree. I think you jumped the guns and found yourself in a situation where you looked so stupid that the only way to save face was to go deeper in stupidities and aggravations. I think your phrase on rumors, the herd mentality and master of none was not very carefully chosen given that the example given was Collin Powell. Then your claim that economic sciences was responsible for falsificationism, well boy... it showed your utter ignorance. Never better the phrase "it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt"
Mid life crazy? I still have a few years to get there if the statistics are OK as I am in my mid 30s. And do not worry, I got checked 3 months ago for my life insurance.
nicoenarg said:
Grow up for a change. This isn't your classroom and I'm not one of your unlucky students. You might want to get off your cheap wine and imaginary high horses already.
I have a family, go to work, do social work, pay scrupulously all my taxes, and deal with stupids like you with a big smile and open heart on daily basis. I think I am grown up. I do not think my students would share your thoughts and I am not allowed to drink cheap (inexpensive yes, but never cheap) wine as I am French.
This may help you (it is not for imaginary high horses)
Good luck.