Bringing In iPhones For Sale Since The New Ban


Sep 10, 2010
I recently have had to travel back home to California to visit family. I am going to be coming back to BA within the next month, and I want to bring some of the new iPhone 4Ss that come factory unlocked in BA to offset my travel costs. But I recently read that they have banned the sale/importation of iPhones and Blackberries. Does that mean that they will hassle you at the airport if you bring in 2 or 3 iPhones in your bags as long as you play up the "no they are for my friends" thing...

Has anyone brought in an iPhone since the ban took effect?
The ban is on the commercial importation of the devices, you can bring in anything you want personally. You are liable for paying the taxes on these devices. The tax is 50% of the value above U$S 300. So, two 16GB unlocked iPhones at U$S 649 each would cost you U$S 499 in taxes. They seem to be selling for around U$S 1500 on MercadoLibre, but that is not always the easiest place to sell things unless you have a good rating.

Of course, they are mostly looking at Argentines at customs and taking them out of the box and putting them in a jacket pocket is another story completely.
CAn't I just say they are gifts and not get hit with the tax? Besides, we all know that you can get a lot of stuff past security in Argentina, I am just wondering if they have began trying harder to get anyone with this since the ban took effect.... I have an iPhone myself, and they never give me problems with it when I come back through. I was thinking at the most I could just walk through the two of them in my pocket, and the other one in my bag or something out of the box.
I was wondering this myself. I was planning on bringing one for me personally, and another for sale. Both out of box. Realistically, it's not even a bad idea to do just based on risk of theft.
domthegreat said:
CAn't I just say they are gifts and not get hit with the tax? Besides, we all know that you can get a lot of stuff past security in Argentina, I am just wondering if they have began trying harder to get anyone with this since the ban took effect.... I have an iPhone myself, and they never give me problems with it when I come back through. I was thinking at the most I could just walk through the two of them in my pocket, and the other one in my bag or something out of the box.

You may indded be able to get everthing in without paying..if they don't inspect your bags and start asking questions..or ask to screen your jacket...or look at the bulge in your pocket.

Saying something is a gift will not exempt it from import fees, especially if it is a cell phone that is not activated and you already have one that is...and you exceed the $300 USD allowance.
steveinbsas said:
You may indded be able to get everthing in without paying..if they don't inspect your bags and start asking questions..or ask to screen your jacket...or look at the bulge in your pocket.

Saying something is a gift will not exempt it from import fees, especially if it is a cell phone that is not activated and you already have one that is...and you exceed the $300 USD allowance.

no you can't just declare as gift he is right.. if you really want to try and avoid customs then mail or put in one persons luggage the boxes, all the papers, etc as documents have no tax on their own...Hand carry the cellphones on you opened and then they are yours not new and much better chance to bring them in simply..then marry the device to the box and doc you either mailed or put in wifes, husbands, daughters, friends luggage (cleaner to mail) and you have it back together normal ready to sell
I had NEVER heard about scanning weared jackets and neither the pants pockets.
I would bring one in each pant pocket (4) and two in the jacket :p

I wouldn't bring the boxes in the luggage. If they view the empty boxes..can suspect.
just bring the cables and earphone with a $10 value in the bag.

I bought an 4s last over internet and shipping to my uncle in masachussets and cannot send it here.
Damiancho said:
I had NEVER heard about scanning weared jackets and neither the pants pockets.
I would bring one in each pant pocket (4) and two in the jacket :p

I wouldn't bring the boxes in the luggage. If they view the empty boxes..can suspect.
just bring the cables and earphone with a $10 value in the bag.

I bought an 4s last over internet and shipping to my uncle in masachussets and cannot send it here.

You sound as if you are trying to convince the members of this forum. It's not us you have to convince: it's those nice boys and girls in aduana with their smart uniforms and white, latex gloves :)
Damiancho said:
I had NEVER heard about scanning weared jackets and neither the pants pockets.
I would bring one in each pant pocket (4) and two in the jacket :p

That's where it's flawed. Only Air Kamtchatka would let you fly with a dozen of smartphones in your pocket in the cabin.
Maybe you are right. I'd like to have more 'offer' here. Hate argentinean goverment way of thinking: prohibiting something just raise the prices, specially hi tech.