Open Market In Palermo. 600 Organic Products!

Rich One

Jul 17, 2012

Open Market health food Fair Buenos Aires, which takes place during a weekend per month, will be on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th June at the Plaza Unidad Latinoamericana , located in El Salvador and Medrano, in the neighborhood of Palermo.


Can you define "organic products"? What does it mean here?

I ask a girl that was a big consumer of "organic products" here, and she could not tell me what it means.

Also, what criteria must be met in order to have the 'Organic' sticker on a product?
Suggest you go down there and check with the producers about the Argie Standards... have not seen stickers yet :D Is mostly a matter of trust?? :rolleyes: read the infobae article !!
That pdf is from "Estados Unidos Mexicanos". "Secretaría de Servicios Parlamentarios."

I'm allergic to Palermo, but yes, I might educate myself 'live' eventually with some growers here. When I did this exercise the last time it was with 'organic' growers up in Canada. I asked them a very simple and basic question.. "Where are your seeds coming from". "We don't know. We buy them". According to some, there is no such thing as 'organic'. I guess it depends on the definition.
Not everything on sale at this market - that takes place once a month in different parts of the city - is organic. That´s why it´s actually called "Feria de Productos Saludables". To be considered as organic the products must have the organic certification logo, like the one from Tallo Verde. This is another of the companies that provide this certification:

However I´m not sure if a product can be organic and at the same time transgenic. Recently I purchased some corn at an organic shop, and the owner assured me that the corn was not transgenic, but I´m not sure if that even exists nowadays.

If you want to buy certified organic products, there´s a place I can recommend on Ciudad de la Paz between Federico Lacroze y Teodoro García (it says MOA Internacional on the window).

And here are some links if you want read about the regulation for Organic products in Argentina:
So if the seeds are coming from say Monsanto,can not be grown as an organic ? I thought the naming organic came by ways of
how it has been cultivated then the bearing of fruits etc. ?