Buenos Aires En Bici

I'm loving the system. Yes the bikes are a bit beat up but they're definitely designed for city hire, normal consumer bikes would be in a million pieces by now. They were rolling out the NY system just as I came here, it makes me wonder how beat to heck those shiny blue citibikes are going to be when I next see them!

I just brought my housing rental contract and pasaporte (and a fotocopia of both) to the booth and they signed me up no questions asked, though I guess it depends on who you get!
Don't you need two witnesses with residency in CF (ie DNI´s that show CF residency) to get a Certificado de Domicilio? We did when we got one a few weeks back. Keep that in mind.

I checked last week-- tourists only need a copy of their passport (and have to take their original passport along as well) plus they need to sign a declaration of some sort. According to the website that is...

I plan to register for this tomorrow. I'll let everyone know how it goes and if, indeed, you need more paperwork.
I'm loving the system. Yes the bikes are a bit beat up but they're definitely designed for city hire, normal consumer bikes would be in a million pieces by now. They were rolling out the NY system just as I came here, it makes me wonder how beat to heck those shiny blue citibikes are going to be when I next see them!

I just brought my housing rental contract and pasaporte (and a fotocopia of both) to the booth and they signed me up no questions asked, though I guess it depends on who you get!

Can you tell from which bici booth you could register with rental contract? I will give it a try.

You are right it depends a lot on the person you are dealing with.

I've asked a Certificado de Domicilio twice and did not need anything. In order to get this you do the following:

- Go to nearest police station
- Ask for Certificado de Domicilio and pay small amount of money (I believe it's 15 - 20 peso)
- In one of the following days a police officer will come by your home, check u live there and give the certificado

Usually they don't even need to see you in person. Last time my portero accepted the certificado and that's it.

I went to local police (on Darreguya) on Friday and paid 10 peso for the certificate. They asked the purpose (in my case resigter for BIci), noted down my DNI # and said someone will come to verify address on Mon or Tue between 800-1400 hrs. Since will be in office during that time, I gave my DNI and passport photocopy to watchman of the apartment. Hope it works out.

"Tourists can now rent bicycles by presenting their original passport, a copy of their passport, the name and address of where they’re staying, a local phone number and signing the affidavit agreeing to the terms and conditions. They’ll take your picture and let you pick a PIN and then off you go."
As a person who drives, I don't mind bikes...except when the biker decides to go down the most crowded narrow street that can be found in the wrong direction towards me. I must admit I feel the twisted urge to hit biker with my side view mirror.... I appreciate those that ride on the bicisenda...
I registered back in April, first by filling out the application online, and then going to one of the places with my passport, a copy of the main page, and a copy of the entry stamp. The guy told me that after ninety days (or whatever it was at that point) to just bring in a copy of the new entry stamp to re-register.
Can you tell from which bici booth you could register with rental contract? I will give it a try.

Sorry, just seeing this now. It was the Puerto Madero booth (#10). But from what some other folks are saying I may have gotten lucky. I wonder if my number will expire automatically after 90 days? Somehow I doubt the system is that organized. Commodorious, I wouldn't do anything after 90 days, I bet you could keep going forever. :)
PS, riding around the city I've found two new booths that aren't on the printed maps: Montevideo/Cordoba and Plaza boedo (Carlos Calvo e/ Sánchez de Loria y Virrey Liniers). Anyone else find new ones, or have heard about ones on the way?