Buenos Aires or Madrid


Oct 2, 2011
Hello All,

I am a new expat to BA so far I really like living here and have begun to contemplate staying here for at least a year. The only thing is I was supposed to stay for a month and then start a new job in madrid. I just don't know what to do anymore. I am so confused. I also met someone here the last time I was here in 2009 and we reconnected and it has been amazing! What would you do? I know you will all say this is your choice, follow your heart etc... but I really want more if you can offer it. The position in spain is for a year. I feel like I could get a job in Buenos Aires of course not paying nearly as much but at least i'd be close to my new love and I do like BA as I have said.

Following your heart and following your head are difficult waters to navigate. I have done both over my lifetime. Either choice usually works out fine on some level albeit with difficulties. Nothing is generally cut and dry. Too many variables to consider beyond the scope of baexpats opinions to consider. But in hindsight, I don't know if I would ever stay in a place like BA for "just the heart" without knowing the person for at least one year. I personally would choose Madrid or Spain over BA for "quality of living" if you have some money. BA is nice but it is just a jungle on so many levels. Very difficult for day to day practical living. Just my two cents!
What's the job in Spain? What kind of a job do you think you can get here? What are your career goals?
I like living in Buenos Aires, but I think only being here a month can be deceiving. Who knows how much you will like it in a few months, and who knows how things will be going with your crush, or whatever.

Also, it really depends on your financial situation. This city is getting more expensive by the day and if teaching English is your only source of income, it might be hard to scrape by.

I've never been to Madrid, but I've heard amazing things.

Good luck!
Are you looking to stay in either place for over a year? If not, I would go to Spain in a heartbeat. I have spent about a year and a half each in Spain and here in BA. The quality of life in Spain is so much better than BA, and Madrid is a gorgeous city.
You can also travel easy on the weekends to other parts of Spain for cheap. Whereas here, you will easily get stuck in BA for months at a time without breathing any fresh air.

But if you want to stay there for more than a year, I wouldn't count on them extending your position. I worked in Barcelona and the second my contract was up I was OUT of there, so they could hire free interns (with this crisis going on there I wasn't surprised). Although your position might be far more advanced than what an intern could do, I don't know.

If you were looking to live in either place for longer than a year, BA would probably be much easier to do so. As long as you still love it here after a year.
Without knowing more about your situation... I, too, would go to Spain in a heartbeat. But you mentioned having a "love" here, so that could mean something else for you (depending on how seriously you use the word). BA in only a month is VERY deceptive! You would have to be here for at least six months to start to truly get a sense of what it's like to live here. Also, decent jobs here are not easily won (unless you get consultant gigs or otherwise can work online for a foreign currency).
Madrid is a beautiful city. Personally, knowing what I know now, I would take the job in Madrid and have my new sweetheart visit me over there (or come to visit here when I could.) If it's meant to be you two will stay together or reconnect at a later date. I wouldn't pass up the opportunity. A year passes by really quickly, after your year in Madrid you could always come back here.

Unfortunately neither city has a very good job outlook market. Spain has 40% unemployment for young people, and things here in Buenos Aires are tough (especially for foreigners).

Good luck in whatever you do. :)
I just got back from 6 weeks in Madrid. I miss it SO MUCH and cannot wait until our permanent move this spring. Compared to BA, Madrid is cleaner, safer, less polluted, and (except for wine and public transportation) generally cheaper. Having a job lined up is a huge burden lifted off of your shoulders, and thanks to Skype, a year of long-distance is nothing these days. I say take the job and let everything else work itself out.
I did a study abroad year in Córdoba. In the last three months I met the man who is now my husband. I returned to the US to finish college and when I did, everyone told me not to go back to Argentina and that I should think about my career.

Needless to say, I didn't follow their advice and I moved to a small town in the south of Argentina with Marcos. (If you think Bs As is bad, try the middle-of-nowhere, Argentina) It was really hard the first year. We worked at what we could and scrambled by. It's been four years, now, and we're still scrambling by, but we're really happy and optimistic about the future.

In the end, I'm happy with the choice I made. I would say that if it's really someone special, you should stay and figure it out. Jobs will come and go and sometimes you earn more and sometimes less, but it's the people that you're with that really matter.