But but but the guy resisted!!!

Oh yeah, thought I'd add, when I'm with a girl who is obviously local and with me looking obviously foreign no matter how I dress or act, that's when the bad attitudes really come out. Go figure.
To bajo_cero:
Nobody is going to force you to have one if you don´t want it, but it should be the right of other perople to protect themselves if so chooses it.
By the way, please note that every time a crook is killed here is becausse they met an off -duty police officer or a retired army officer, read the papers.
Regarding CCW law here, it is on the books, the Gov has issued about 7,000 permits on a very discrecionary basis. Moyano´s son has one, as well as Luis DÉlia and his thugs.
If you are a mafiosi labor leader, a recicled marxist, rich or famous, you may get one, otherwise forget it.

How many kids (not mentioning adults) get their heads blown-ups in countries being more liberal about weapons?

If I recall that's like 4.000 kids a year in the US.

What you get on one side, you lose it on the other.

Just wondering your thoughts about this.

The US have many qualities but regarding weapons, they are on the wrong side in my view (murder rate more than 3 times higher than in European countries and such).

Also, what do you think about the weaponless Bobbies?
French jurist said:

How many kids (not mentioning adults) get their heads blown-ups in countries being more liberal about weapons?

If I recall that's like 4.000 kids a year in the US.

What you get on one side, you lose it on the other.

Just wondering your thoughts about this.

The US have many qualities but regarding weapons, they are on the wrong side in my view (murder rate more than 3 times higher than in European countries and such).

Also, what do you think about the weaponless Bobbies?

Maybe you should read the treatise on gun control Henry posted below. It's full of facts and citations about exactly that. You might actually be surprised. It's a big read, but has some interesting information about exactly what you mention.
ElQueso said:
Maybe you should read the treatise on gun control Henry posted below. It's full of facts and citations about exactly that. You might actually be surprised. It's a big read, but has some interesting information about exactly what you mention.

Its also full of random and largely unrelated facts and citations, creating the appearance of reasoned, well researched argument.

MYTH - Global warming is caused by increasing CO2 levels
FACT - Ironically its the decreasing number of pirates causing a rise in global sea temperatures.

Well JP, how about something at least 1/4 as well cited as what was posted instead of your comment "Its also full of random and largely unrelated facts and citations, creating the appearance of reasoned, well researched argument" ? Your obviously facetious rebuttal/example about global warming is a typical tactic to nay-say evidence with non-evidence that is supposed to show how full of fallacy the proposed argument supposedly is. Heh.

For a take on global warming, have you ever seen John Stossel's video on how the supposed people pushing global warming have distorted evidence and down-right lied to try to get their point across?


Talking about global warming here is getting a bit off topic, except for the fact that you brought it up in relation to someone supposedly pulling unrelated statistics out of their arse and showing it as the truth...

If you want, we can debate that one as well. You know "Mann, Et al", the Hockey Stick Hoax, and so on? But that's another thread.

I was recently having a debate at an expat dinner about global warming, last Friday. I was trying to have a calm discussion about whether it's really caused by man or not, whether we've reached the end of a natural warming cycle or not, etc. The person involved in the argument used as his basis "can you really believe that it's not caused by man? Can you really believe that?" No facts or science to back up his argument, but plenty of emotion. At one point he actually called me a creationist with words something along the lines of "it's people like you who get creationism taught in the schools as science."

Funny thing - I'm as completely irreligious as one can possibly be, do not believe in a "higher being" that demands we adore him and obey his laws or we spend the rest of eternity in extreme torture for our "sins."

In fact, I'm a Libertarian who believes very strongly in the rights of individual people and that the government should be as small as possible to maintain law and order EQUALLY for EVERYONE, but not control every aspect of peoples' lives for "their own good," those in power deciding what is "good."

I would like to know what you think, specifically, is wrong with that paper, having, of course, read it through from start to end like I have. Because what I saw was mostly refuting false evidence that people have basically dreamed up to fit the yoke tyranny over everyone else's heads but their own :)
To El Queso,

Well said.

Not much more for me to say here...

Except for some old slogan like ""Live free or die."

Regarding climate change...remembering how the current US President "promised" to lower the sea levels,

One half to two thirds of what is now above sea level in Florida used to be below sea level.

And don't forget what we call New York City was under about a mile of ice...several times..at the least.

And that was at least a few years prior to the industrial revolution and the human caused increase in the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

And what we know as Florida today was once (if not several times) at least twice it's present size.

Of course climate change is real. But human beings simply don't have the power to cause it..or prevent it.
Steveinbsas..I am sorry..you really have to lay off the drink or shut your teaparty trap!!
R U a scientist now also? Seemingly they (scientists) are all in agreement that the industrial revolution is causing global warming/climate change..
AND...no Obama did not start the 2 wars in Afghanistan and Irak.
He is also no a commie, racist, muslim....
I'm personally undecided as to what degree CO2 resulting from human activity has on world temperatures, but the carbon tax/credit system they've cooked up, replete with an exchange and eventual derivative financial products, isn't effective in limiting the amount of CO2, just in policing people's lives. The debates about it are ridiculous and rarely scientific, with both sides usually shoving each other into some box or another, such as "tree hugger" or "creationist".

The proposed corrective measures are just an excuse to control everyone. Carbon dioxide is what human beings exhale. You might as well put a tax on oxygen.

I was a good liberal on this issue for years (and remain on the left on most issues), just aghast that Bush backed out of the kyoto protocol, but when I saw the extent of the measures that are being proposed, from limiting cow flatulence to genetically engineering humans to be smaller and consume less (seriously, google it) it really made me question the whole thing and see it as a giant excuse.

Though, once again, still a progressive, I seriously used the word "libtard" for the first time when I was discussing this with a good friend who said, "I KNOW global warming is real. I don't care what anyone says, it just is." Religious leaders work hard for their adherents to display such fervor.
cbphoto said:
Steveinbsas..I am sorry..you really have to lay off the drink or shut your teaparty trap!!
R U a scientist now also? Seemingly they (scientists) are all in agreement that the industrial revolution is causing global warming/climate change..
AND...no Obama did not start the 2 wars in Afghanistan and Irak.
He is also no a commie, racist, muslim....

Thanks for the kind words.

Is this your idea of an intelligent resopnse or an intellectual arguement?

What are you drinking?

Did I mention Afganistan or Iraq (please note it is spelled with a Q not a K)?

Do yourself a favor and learn about earth science and continental tectonics.

Then you might understand climate change, but you may still be an offensive child.

When I was in high school "scientists" warned of global cooling.

The earth has been warming since the end of the last ICE AGE.

PS What are you drinking?

It obvioulsy isn't tea.

I never thought tea could cause such an irrational outburst.

I wonder why you felt the need to be so personally offensive...