Buying a second-hand car

The Top Ten Most Dangerous Countries to Drive in

The list starts at number 10 with the least dangerous of the finalists and working down to the ones you, as a driver, really want to avoid at all costs. So before you start, where in the list do you think the United Kingdom comes in?
  1. Belgium - 100 deaths per year for every million inhabitants.168 deaths per year for every million vehicles
  2. Czech Republic - 118 deaths per year for every million inhabitants. 235 deaths per year for every million vehicles
  3. United States of America - 136 deaths per year for every million inhabitants. 163 deaths per year for every million vehicles
  4. Greece - 121 deaths per year for every million inhabitants. 226 deaths per year for every million vehicles
  5. Korea - 127 deaths per year for every million inhabitants. 317 deaths per year for every million vehicles
  6. Hungary - 123 deaths per year for every million inhabitants. 347 deaths per year for every million vehicles
  7. Turkey - 68 deaths per year for every million inhabitants - 594 deaths per year for every million vehicles
  8. Poland - 147 deaths per year for every million inhabitants. 310 deaths per year for every million vehicles
  9. Slovakia - 122 deaths per year for every million inhabitants. 426 deaths per year for every million vehicles
  10. Russia - 235 deaths per year for every million inhabitants. 939 deaths per year for every million vehicles
This post is wandering a bit. Patagonia is not Buenos Aires, I have no idea what driving is like in Patagonia (possibly miles of empty roads?), but in the city you need to be certified to drive.
In the first six days of last year there were 56 people killed on the roads of Greater Buenos Aires. Nobody respects lanes or traffic lights and the best time to cross the raods is when the lights are on grean, because at least you know that they are coming for you.
I agree totally with Gouchobob, hire a car if you are going out of the city, otherwise use taxis or other public transport.
One other thing not mentioned yet is the cost of parking your car, I know locals who will not drive into the city because it costs too much, they leave their cars at home.
mrisley said:
You will have to have residency to put a car in your name.

All I found online was a link in the GCBA's page stating that you need a DNI. . Also, you aparently need a CUIL/CUIL to register the transfer.
However, I'm still not really sure if you can somehow bypass these requirements. I had a client, a couple of years ago, that purchased a car having only a tourist visa and a CDI.

You might want to check it personally at the Registro de la Propiedad Automotor (check which one is closer to your address, and see if they accept your passport instead of a DNI and a CDI instead of a CUIT. If you're not fluent in Spanish you should go with someone that is.

The DNRPA's guide is constantly offline (its even cached in Google as offline). What i could find online regarding the requirements is the following (in Spanish):

1. Documentación que debe tener el comprador
  • Título del automotor - Original
  • Cédula de identificación (cédula verde) - Original
  • Patentes
  • Impuesto de emergencia - comprobante de pago: sólo para vehículos del año 80 al 89 inclusive.
  • Informe de Dominio otorgado por el Registro Nacional de la Propiedad del Automotor
  • Formulario 08 firmado por el vendedor y cónyuge, con firmas certificadas
  • Formulario 381: Emitido por la DGI para vehículos cuyo valor de facturación en origen fue superior a U$S 25.000.
  • Libre Deuda de Multas: En Capital Federal se solicita en la calle Carlos Pellegrini 211
  • Libre Deuda de Patentes: este informe debe ser solicitado ante la oficina Rentas, según lugar de radicación del vehículo.
  • Dirección General de Rentas GCBA, Viamonte 900 Consultas:
  • Rentas Provincia de Buenos Aires, Diagonal Norte 812 Capital Federal Consulta:
  • Formulario 12 Verificación policial (para los modelos 1981 en adelante)
  • Impuesto docente ley 25.053. Automotores que al 31/18/1998 su valor sea mayor a $ 4.000 y comprende inscriptos entre el 01/01/1979 y el 31/12/1999. (comprobante de pago en caso que corresponda)
  • Oblea colocada de la Verificación técnica vehicular: sólo para vehículos radicados en la provincia de Buenos Aires con más de dos años de antigüedad desde la fecha en la inscripción inicial.
2. Documentación que debe presentar el vendedor Antes de firmar algún tipo de documento o entregar alguna suma de dinero, el primer paso es que el comprador le pida al vendedor que muestre:

  • el título de propiedad del auto,
  • su cédula verde,
  • chapas y patentes y
  • el certificado de Libre deuda de patentes.
El segundo paso es que el comprador pida en la sede de Registro Nacional de la Propiedad del Automotor ( donde está inscripto el vehículo un informe de Dominio.
El tercer paso es realizar conjuntamente comprador y vendedor la verificación legal del vehículo para constatar si los datos de la documentación tales como los números de motor y carrocería o cuadro en caso de una moto coinciden con la marca y modelo del mismo.
Una vez que se realizan estos pasos se estaría en condiciones de firmar conjuntamente con el vendedor (y su cónyuge, si corresponde) la solicitud Tipo 08 ante escribano público o ante el Registro del Automotor, donde está radicado el vehículo.
3. Requisitos para la transferencia del dominio. La documentación necesaria es la siguiente:

  • Título de propiedad del automotor.
  • Cédula de identificación (cédula verde).
  • Contrato de transferencia formulario 08 firmado por comprador y vendedor, por triplicado con consentimiento del cónyuge del vendedor, firmas certificadas por escribano o a certificar en el registro.
  • Verificación policial del automotor formulario 12.
  • Documento de identidad del comprador y fotocopia de la parte identificatoria y domicilio.
  • Comprobante de pago del impuesto de radicación de automotores, 5 años en Capital Federal y 10 años en provincia de Bs. As.
  • Impuesto docente ley 25.053. Automotores que al 31/18/1998 su valor sea mayor a $ 4.000 y comprende inscriptos entre el 01/01/1979 y el 31/12/1999.
  • Libre deuda del tribunal de faltas (infracciones de tránsito según la jurisdicción).
  • Clave de identificación tributaria CUIT o código único de identificación laboral CUIL.
  • Certificado de bienes registrables otorgado por la DGI (formulario 381) si el precio total del automotor es mayor de $ 25.000.-
Wow, thanks for the very useful information Attorney in BA!

Unfortunately I'm far from fluent in Spanish. :) Could you perhaps tell me what the terms DNI, CUIL, CUIT and CDI mean?

A friend of mine who is also on a tourist visa (I believe) bought a new car successfully, but perhaps buying a second-hand car is a bit more difficult.
FrederikS said:
Wow, thanks for the very useful information Attorney in BA!

Unfortunately I'm far from fluent in Spanish. :) Could you perhaps tell me what the terms DNI, CUIL, CUIT and CDI mean?

A friend of mine who is also on a tourist visa (I believe) bought a new car successfully, but perhaps buying a second-hand car is a bit more difficult.

The DNI is the National ID. (used for voting, etc.)
That's the one you will get as an allien. (US equivalent to the DL)
CUIL enables you to work.

CUIT is a tax ID number

CDI is another ID, I think just for us. We can use this one to travel within the Mercosur without bringing the passport. We can do the same with the DNI...Argentina, the land of contradiction.:D
Sorry, Attorney was talking about the Cedula Verde. (vehicle ID number,)

I guess is like the VIN# in the US?
CUIT/CUIL/CDI: are all types of tax ID numbers. As a foreigner without a residency visa you will be able to obtain a CDI and in very limited cases, also a CUIT. These cannot be used for travelling, as they are not personal a ID but rather just a number.
DNI: National ID (issued by the Registro Nacional de las Personas). This is both for Argentines and for foreigners with a valid residency visa (either remporary or permanent)
To travel within Mercosur you will need, if you're a foreigner, your passport. I'm not certain if you can travel with a DNI if you have a residency visa. Argentines may use their passport, DNI or Cedula de Identidad (ID issued by the Police).
Cedula Verde: Car ID
Great! I'm going to look into this and will post about my experiences. Thanks so far and if anyone has any further thoughts about this, please post as well :)
