Can I return to US while my FBI check is pending?

Half Luck

Sep 9, 2009
I've been planning on heading back to the US to pick up my FBI background check, and then bring it back with me to Argentina. However, a friend just warned me that if I visit the US after the issuance date of the background check, then it would be void. The logic would be that if the FBI says I'm clean as of Feb. 15, and I then return to the US between Feb. 17 and 27, then Argentina would have no idea if I committed a crime during that 10 day window. Obviously this is a ridiculous hypothetical, but I don't want red tape to prevent me from getting the Visa pushed through. Does anyone have any insight on this situation? Thanks!
Your friend is correct. The dates cannot overlap.
Napoleon said:

How's the snow?!?!?!

We need more snow and less sub-zero weather... Back in BA next week for awhile!
Sleuth, are you absolutely sure? Have you been in a similar experience before? Do you know if there are any exceptions to that rule? For example, what would I do if I had no one to mail me the report?
Half Luck said:
I've been planning on heading back to the US to pick up my FBI background check, and then bring it back with me to Argentina. However, a friend just warned me that if I visit the US after the issuance date of the background check, then it would be void. The logic would be that if the FBI says I'm clean as of Feb. 15, and I then return to the US between Feb. 17 and 27, then Argentina would have no idea if I committed a crime during that 10 day window. Obviously this is a ridiculous hypothetical, but I don't want red tape to prevent me from getting the Visa pushed through. Does anyone have any insight on this situation? Thanks!

If this is the case, how would one bring an FBI report with them from the US? Once issued to someone in the US, the report would instantly be no good according to this logic (i.e. the person could theoretically commit a crime between time they receive the report and the time they leave the US to go to Argentina). So, it would be impossible to bring the document on your person, from the US. That doesn't make much sense to me.
Under that logic, the only way to get a valid criminal check would be to be outside the country the entire time. Lets say that I got an offer for an Argentine company while I was in the States, but couldn't start work without a visa. I would likely stay in the US until the background check was complete, and then fly down as soon as it was issued to me. There are at least 3 days between which the FBI does the check and mails it to me. Even if I fly down to Argentina the day after I receive the check, there are still 3 unaccounted days. To me, it would be more logical for the report to only be valid for a fixed number of days (60, for example).

Has anyone actually been in this situation, or just speaking based off their opinion?
It's crazy, to say the least, but if you are here and need someone to send the report, just let me know.
Half Luck said:
There are at least 3 days between which the FBI does the check and mails it to me. Even if I fly down to Argentina the day after I receive the check, there are still 3 unaccounted days.

Don't forget about the time it takes to get apostilled.