Can It Be Found?

Dijon mustard - Grey Poupon & Maille are in Coto and are not terribly expensive (cheaper than barrio chino). Maille is also in disco/jumbo/vea and is more expensive. No idea about carrefour.s
worcestershire sauce -
I think I've seen Lea & Perrins in all three, coto for sure at the very least.
balsamic vinegar - everywhere. Last year it was even cheaper to buy the real stuff from Modena ( than it was to buy the argentine version ( ). Absurd mismanagement of the economy. Oh well I hit it on a 35% off day and stocked up for a year.
brown sugar - Like others have said, check in the dieteticas, they're all over the city
good chocolate candies - Depends on what you consider good. Disco/jumbo/carrefour have Lindt dark chocolate; I love that stuff, I wish coto would carry it. I also like the little ferro Rocher balls which are available in every supermercado and most kioskos. As for domestic candies, I like the felfort marroc candies and chocolate covered mint patties.
horseradish - There's an Argentine brand which is somewhat ubiquitous.
dill - barrio chino or very high end verdularias. Check out the big mercados like mercado de juramento mercado del progreso etc.
tumeric - Dieteticas. Not all of them but when I wanted some in caballito I only had to aimlessly wander around 5 blocks before finding some
lovage - Good luck! Let me know if you find some.

All of which can certainly be done without but would be nice to find.
Excuse me if I'm off-base here, but if you mean the one on Guardia Vieja, (I always wonder if this refers to Napoleon's Old Guard), they call that Jumbo Almagro, for some odd reason, and I agree it's enormous. If you mean another one that's even bigger, that's scary :)

I'm almost positive it refers to the battle of guardia vieja (part of las herras's push across the mountains (where you think they should build an oil pipeline) but I have also had a taxi driver tell me it refers to the old guard of tango, since it goes through a very tango-y part of Almagro. I love to ask taxi drivers about the history of the names of the streets, It's either starts a great conversation or instantly kills the possibility of one while earning you wary looks.
If you mean another one that's even bigger, that's scary :)
The one im palermo is bigger and seems even more so due to the huge easy which is right across the foyer.
Thanks a lot. I guess the coto close to me must be too small. I'll have to venture further looking for the larger stores.
Thanks a lot. I guess the coto close to me must be too small. I'll have to venture further looking for the larger stores.

Yes definitely check around, also look around the store. The coto near my old house had the dijon mustard in the "imported products" section. The one near my new house has it in the mustard section.
French's Mustard is the best nothing else needed


Or if not avaolable, Moutarde de Meaux​

One of the best places for chocolates is Fenix their dark chocolate is excellent, they import and manufacture the best chocolate with imported cocoa. I used to buy cocoa for my kids per kilo long ago. They are located near the British Hospital and of course there is a good luck