Dontmindme it was I who got the refund. I knew of a particularly paranoid guy from Eastern Europe who changed the locks himself every time he rented an apartment because he didn't trust locksmiths. I find the attitude less paranoid now.
I checked the site of SUTERH and found out that if you're a member you can win a trip to Punta del Este! I'm sure the winner will need at least some spending cash but I'm also sure that the good people of that union will help acquire uruguayan pesos at the official rate. Why not Mar del Plata, or Pinamar if they want to make a point about "incliusiveness"? That would be the National-Popular Workers Party attitude.
Yes the Right Wing Fascists of the 70s have been so disgustingly inhumane to the point that they gave the Left Wing Fascists of today carte blanche to disrupt the fabric of civil society through extortion, widespread police-aided-crime, and "demonstrations", all in the name of "human rights" (but not Julio Lopez's rights).
Right or wrong, do you think people are better off economically in the mid or long run through public demonstrations?
The protests began in the 90s? I thought the anarchists and socialists of the 1910s and 20s were some of the first protestors in Argentina and they demanded sensible things like universal suffrage and to be paid overtime. It was a certain Colonel (who called himself General and belonged to a subversive paramilitary group for which he should have been hanged for high treason) who hijacked Socialist ideas for his own Populist schemes. It was that person who first organised the masses and through protest engendered a new kind of thug power that would act on his behalf whenever he wanted. It was this movement that consolidated the power of the Unions and their "right" (power) to incorporate every single aspect of Argentine Economy which in turn causes people to lose their jobs (or rather causes job creators to flee the country or lower their expectations) and depress the economy in general.
Why do you think you are so much smarter, or that this administration is wiser than either the "Right wing" Chileans or the "Communist" Uruguayans? or even Brazilians....?
So, no I would not kill "them", but I have some grounds to suspect that under Argentine law the Colonel should have been executed, as I said, a punishment reserved only for the highest levels of treason, which he and the people in his officers club committed.
peronism linked to jobs lost? to depressed economy? dude, I dont know which authors did you study to reach these conclusions but certainly they are far away from reality. Peronism is the political representation of argentine jobs, of pymes, of full employment level, of NATIONAL INDUSTRY, of course is not heavy industry, of course is Pymes, but they are jobs, power to the unions, expand the internal market, create demand, create consumption. Peronism is argentine version of Keynesianism, of a powerful state intervining economy, regulating, etc.
On the other hand, the militars represent the right, the repression, the political persecution, the prohibition of peronism for 20 years, control of democratical governmentss like Illia and Frondizi, represent "ajuste", transfer to the banks, to the agrarian upper classes, represent the cooling the economy, slowing ot down, social exclusion, etc.
Thats the history of Peronism.
And about the rigin of protests, of course I didnt mean to say they were alll originated in the 90s, Argentina has a huge history of riots, sindicalism, etc, wht I tried to say is that these protests like piquetes that prevail today, were originated in the 90s, and theres a premise that have given them results, that is, go and cry to mother state. The State is the same state that is involved in negotiation with multiple powers, that has agreements wwith corporations, etc, so the State (and not the market), this amazing social construction that involves every sector of society, must provide jobs and social benefits for all. So thaats why they go and cry to this government, because this particular government has given lots of things to them, like social plans, which they are not jobs, but it is indeed a help considering where we come from.