Car Invasion & Robbery On Friday, June 14Th

People have their own opions on this, and I respect them for it, but I would rather be robbed than run the risk of being shot as I tried to go for a weapon.

Again, that's my personal take and I know there are folks out there who would see it differently.

Gun violence is one of our big problems in the US, and we seem helpless to implement any sort of restrictions that would reduce the carnage.
The robber took keys, purse, all documents ...

Stating the obvious here - but sometimes in times of crisis things can be overlooked. She has already changed her locks on her house, right, and on the car?
Have seen this kind of thing happen before firsthand. It's actually not an unusual occurrence, although I wouldn't say it happens constantly. If possible, always keep your possessions down inside of the car at the bottom where they are not easy to see, and put purses on the floor, etc. If you are wearing your purse, that's an attractive item for motochorros, they can just smash the window, grab it, and ride off.
Our friend's possessions were under the dash on the floor of the front seat. She feels she was tailed and targeted by the motochorros. She had an old address on all her ID so doesn't have that worry. Since this, she has had all her car window's darkened. Still in shock from the incident and now has the financial hardship of having to replace all her equipment, her phone & repair of her smashed window.