Car Towed Away, That's $800, You're Welcome


Sep 18, 2009
Adri parks the car in the same one way street near Olivos train station every time she goes to town and there are no yellow lines down the left hand side where she normally parks it.
So they lifted it and she had to trog off about ten blocks to the municipal car pound and it's only a shame she didn't have a remote detonator with her like Darin in Relatos Salvajes.
Glad it wasn't me or I'd have hit the roof (as I once chased a tow truck and almost came to blows with the driver), particularly as she was parked legally ie no yellow lines.
The odd thing is that almost all the one way streets around here have people parking on the left (where sensible) as otherwise there'd be nowhere else to park.
They must be low on funds or bored or retarded, who knows?
Photo for illustrative purposes only. Note the white tape. thanks Vicente Lopez. Tits!
I recently did the test for a driving license in San Isidro and one of the questions was 'On which side of the road can you park'. The answer from the book is 'En todas las vías públicas el estacionamiento deberá hacerse exclusivamente sobre la derecha, salvo señalización en contrario' . Maybe they are now starting to enforce the rules in Zona Norte.
Yes, common rule that no one knows and respects. It is not allowed to park on the left side... Of course, I don't see logic why to even paint yellow on the left, if it's anyway forbidden to park. Also, where can one Park, if on the right are bus stations and on the left is not allowed?
the yellow paint is often 'custom' added by people enforcing their own laws... I've been tempted on many occasions to do the same ( because some #$%*ing massive trucks or buses are parked in residential area for extended periods... and those that have no consideration of their neighbors )... yet still, it is not legal. The painted curbs must be accompanied by corresponding signage.
I love how all life events can be compared to a scene from a Ricardo Darin movie. Is there an Argentine movie that guy is not in?
No, by law he has to be in all Argentine movies. If he's not actually acting, they have to put posters or pix of him in at least 20% of billboards and windows in outdoor scenes. He then collects royalties.