My Car Was Towed, And I Have The Solution.


Nov 25, 2012
Hello all you BA expats,

If your car gets towed, as mine did, downtown in Recoleta (I assume other locations close to recoleta) your car will be towed to a parking lot next to the Facultad de Derecho. Looking at the front of the Facultad, the parking lot is to the right of the building in the back corner of that area. There is a white and blue building, one story and is a mobile unit that hold the office to retrieve your auto.

What do you need to get it back? A drivers license (even from the USA) and the "Cedula" which is the green piece of paper that is much like the Pink Slip in the USA. The fine for the first day is AR$383.

I hope this helps you solve future problems.
Awww, I thought for sure your post was going end something like:

There is a white and blue building, one story and is a mobile unit that hold the office to retrieve your auto. In the guard station is a fat guy who likes women in short skirts. While your girlfriend has him distracted, proceed to the north end of the parking lot and you will find that the padlock securing the gate is broken. Quietly drop the chain open the gate and slip out with your car and nobody will be the wiser. Good luck!​
Wow, keep your solution nmyer. I cannot handle this..
Awww, I thought for sure your post was going end something like:

There is a white and blue building, one story and is a mobile unit that hold the office to retrieve your auto. In the guard station is a fat guy who likes women in short skirts. While your girlfriend has him distracted, proceed to the north end of the parking lot and you will find that the padlock securing the gate is broken. Quietly drop the chain open the gate and slip out with your car and nobody will be the wiser. Good luck!​

Ericloves BA

Bro, i laughed and laughed reading your response. Absolutely Hilarious! :)
i was sure as well that there was a magic solution to getting the car back without having to pay! nmyer, your solution isn't much of a solution!
Wow, keep your solution nmyer. I cannot handle this..

Try googling, in spanish or english " where do I pick up my car if it gets towed, buenos Aires" and see if you can solve the problem. Hopefully in the future this link will pop up, to let them know at least the location of the car lot.

I try to be a 'cool' expat too and bend the rules, trust me, but sometimes its nice to know what the rules are. God Bless.