Charity Toy Drives in BA?


Sep 9, 2009
Hi all, my wife and I usually donate toys to charity for Christmas as opposed to buying our relatives gifts they really don't need. (We make the donations in their names).

Back home they had the U.S. Marine Corps "toys for tots" and it was pretty easy, just drop them off at a local "collection place".

We want to do the same thing here and was wondering if there was anything similar or if someone has done this before either through a school or church?

I was thinking of just going to the local church in the area, but my Spanish is shaky. I also want to make sure the toys wind up in the hands of the truly needy and not some director's kids hands (ok, yes I am eternally suspicious.).

If anyone has any leads, experience or ideas on this, please let us know. Christmas is fast approaching and we would like to contribute to some holiday cheer for those who maybe don't have so much the rest of the year.

*(p.s.: that last bit was not supposed to rhyme..:p)
I know that some people donate to the children's hospitals in Buenos Aires. There are mainly 3:
- Garraham
- Casa Cuna
- Hospital de Ninios

You have to bring the toys wrapped if you prefer.

There the toys are very much appreciated

Let me know if you need more help
I know that there is some kind of drive for presents for children organized each year by the Buenos Aires Herald newspaper. Pick up a copy and you'll see the advertisement. Best, M.
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