96000 Let's understand ourselves well. 1) It's not the "chroipan". People vote for the Ks because in their view it is their best choice Given the way Argentine society has been working for the last 70 years or so,it probably is just that. As a woman I know who lives in a "villa de emergencia" so correctly told me of the Peronists " Una migaja al pueblo siempre tiran".2) Technology, good education and a growing economy can change their choice for their betterment.Just ask the Chileans,Brazilans and now,surprisingly,the Uruguayans
Let's try and understand you:
1) If I understand correctly you are admitting they get a choripan, which is not necessary because that's not the deciding factor.
My question would be: How would the real Socialists and Communists and even Workers Party fare, electorally, if there was no Partido Choripanista?
2) Unless by technology you're referring to Santa Evita's food processors and Donia Krestina's flat screen tvs paid in 248 installments or through organized looting,
then don't those bread crumbs cost a lot less than technology, good education and a World Competitive Economy?
If the powers that be provided (or allowed the circumstances for) such things, wouldn't they be outvoted by Honest Socialists, Radicals, and whatever the Christian-Democrats or Conservatives like to call themselves nowadays (Pro? Carrio?)
and btw, Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, nor any other country in the New World has inherited the 1930s South-Central European political culture Argentina is so proud of.