China suspends US$6.5 billion currency swap agreement with Argentina

The argentinian elite are extremely rich with over 400 billion us dollars overseas in foreign accounts . The problem is the great disparity between the poor and working class and the wealthy . I feel that Milei will not address this correctly causing extreme social tensions
I do agree.

The crucial thing to understand is that Milei is a puppet, a stalking horse.

Think back to December 2015. Macri's first act as president was to pay the buitres, the vulture funds, every penny they were asking for. He didn't try to negotiate, he even paid their legal fees for the ridiculously illegal attempt to seize the Argentine navy's training ship. That was his very first act as president, which shows where his loyalties were, or at least who he served.

Now, this year, as soon as he knew he was president-elect, before he even assumed power, Milei went scurrying north to the USA, to kowtow at the feet of his masters. Which shows who he serves.

100 years ago, Hipólito Yrigoyen said, "I do not fear those outside who wish to buy us, as much as those inside who wish to sell us". And nothing has changed in that regard. The whole world is a different place than it was in 1923, but that one thing remains exactly the same.

Milei's job is to prevent Argentina from joining BRICS, to pry Argentina away from China, to deliver up all the major state-held enterprises for "privatization" for pennies on the dollar, and to sabotage Argentina in a general sense. Again.

You might want to look at the actual facts.

Macri had no choice in light of Argentina having lost every court case in the USA.

Paul Singer played Axel Kicillof as the socialist fool he is.