Choice of a migration/citizenship lawyer

Thanks. What do you mean by depending on my situation?
Sorry didn't see this before. It was just a general statement based on comments by others saying "applying for citizenship, getting off the plane" and things like that.

In my opinion, Paula is an excellent choice for most people, if not all. She does specialize in complex cases. She is a former public official from the National Directorate of Migration. Check her LinkedIn profile for further information. She handles both residency and citizenship cases.
Sorry didn't see this before. It was just a general statement based on comments by others saying "applying for citizenship, getting off the plane" and things like that.

In my opinion, Paula is an excellent choice for most people, if not all. She does specialize in complex cases. She is a former public official from the National Directorate of Migration. Check her LinkedIn profile for further information. She handles both residency and citizenship cases.
Just reading on this, would you mind to tell what's her full name? I might need one lawyer later on, thanks.
Just reading on this, would you mind to tell what's her full name? I might need one lawyer later on, thanks.
Her name is Paula Carello. She is a great immigration lawyer, well connected, speaks many languages including English, and has reasonable prices. She has offices in BA, Rosario, and Cordoba. Phone: +54 9 341 744-0184 (also WhatsApp); Email:; Website: ;
While you're reviewing immigration lawyers - does anyone know anything about Nicolas Svirnovsky? He runs a Facebook Group for people seeking Argentine citizenship and residency. I've messaged with him about helping me with a pensionado visa. His quoted price ($1400) seems reasonably in line with others...

I've read everything I could about migration and citizenship (including the 63 pages thread), and I have a better idea of what I need I guess.
I'd like now some up to date information to help me make a better choice for the lawyer.

As I understood, there are two main options that are often recommended here:

- Celano : good lawyer to obtain a regular resident permit (rentista, maybe investment), everybody seems quite positive about him, might not be interested in immigration anymore? No idea of the price.

- Dr Rubilar : good lawyer, doesn't need resident permit, helps to get citizenship, a few mentions that some of his clients are trapped in a loop. In general very knowledgeable. More expensive (some mentionned 6,000 usd).

For some reasons, the second solution would be easier for me. But I'd be happy to hear your feedback about both of them, especially if you used their service.

These people are 'corporate level' practioners. They have almost completed my DNI process. Where 6000$ comes from I can not comment on as a local firm payed for mine. I suspect less than half of that...though not sure. Many attorneys claim to do immigration....and don't have any experience in it. These people are pros.

They also did my work permit
To add to this, Christian Rubilar may actually be the worst case for a citizenship lawyer. The judge has ultimate authority to decide your case. They are basically a dictator in their domain. As a result, not having a bad relationship with the judges is a good idea.

Due to Rubilar's antics such as mass-filing pointless cases of people that walk off the plane, frequently calling the judge natzis and islamists (and other nonesnese which he has been fined by the court for), etc, you can see Rubilar has an antagonistic relationship with the judges.

If you want fast citizenship you want a lawyer with a cooperative relationship with the judge not an antagonistic one! This is not the the USA. The judges have much more power. They don't even have to follow precedent. If they want to paralyze your cases in endless motions, then there is not really anything you can do, hence why Rubilar has an ever increasing number of cases being paralyzed at the court.
When the judge is going to discriminate you, the worse you can do is to behave like a sheep.
There are 3 judges who are very xenophobic and with 2 of them I have zero cases.
The ultimate decisión is made by the Chamber of Appeals, not by the judge.
Do I have an increasing number of paralized cases at Court? Really? Post your passport and show the cases, and showcriminal judges you are not lying like a dog, because you are.