The toys here are up to 5 times more expensive. I just priced a Mr. Potato Head for my little on. In the US it's USD $19.99. Here it's ARS $ 550 or over 110 dollars !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not out to prove anyone wrong on this thread, because we all know that prices are crazy high, but there are better deals to be found. You just have to look around. Take this Mr./Mrs. Potato Head as an example:
http://articulo.merc...kool-hasbro-_JM No, it's not US$20 but it's also much cheaper than $550 pesos.
When I read this thread yesterday I was really dreading going out this morning before work to do some shopping while the stores weren't so crowded. But honestly, I found some great deals I thought. I got 2 summer sweaters on sale for $95 pesos each at Chocolate - a pricey clothing shop if you know it. (And no, they're not stained or ripped or the like.) I got a top at Zara that my mother-in-law will love for $239. I picked up a necklace at Ossira that caught my eye in the window for $76, and there was a 20% discount with Banco Frances on top of that. Anyway, yes of course I saw some ridiculous prices, but I just realize I have to keep looking.
NYKate, if a brand new crib isn't a must, again, I would check MercadoLibre, CraigsList, expat sales, etc. I got a wonderful, used Simmons crib (originally from the US) from an expat who was leaving for $250 pesos just last week. By the way, I also baked for the non-immediate family members last Christmas. I made blueberry muffins for all of them, but unfortunately I have to say that they seemed less than impressed. Accepted them graciously, but you can just tell. So I don't think it will become an Argie tradition with them anytime soon. I'm glad your family was touched. I love sharing baked goods at Christmas.
Besides the prices, a huge difference with Christmas gift giving if you're comparing to the States is the quantity of gifts purchased and received. If you've been to an Argie Christmas, I would assume you've noticed that they by far receive fewer presents than back home, and I think that's just fine. Honestly, even given the prices here, I probably spend less than I would in the States because I'm not "expected" to buy as many gifts.
Anyway, my positive morning posts don't stop here because I had a positive experience with Telefonica just today too!! Can you believe it??? On to the customer service thread...It's been a great day in BA