"Clarin" newspaper is shutting down on 15 Oct


Mar 23, 2011

Today a Argie told me this.

is this true?

He said that "Clarin" and one more newspaper which have freedom of speech will shut down while the remaining newspapers will continue.

Anybody heard about this?
Clarin headlines right now say that the Government threatens to ignore a status quo ruling and move on publishing/broadcasting licences currently granted to Clarin's Group and give them to media that follow party lines.

Date mentioned is Dec. 7th.

We'll know soon enough.
The Clarin group (not the newspaper) is violating anti-trust laws, which limits a company to owning about 24 TV licences (if I remember correctly) and Clarin group has about 224 TV licences. So far, nothing has been said about the newspaper, the focus has been on the TV stations and cable licences (cablevision, TN, etc). If they do not un-invest by December 7th, a court could put up some of their licences to the highest bidder.
The goverment already has shares en "papel prensa" the company that has a monopoloy on newspaper and magazine paper. This company was given to Clarin and La Nacion during the last dictatorship. The previous owners, a Jewish family (remember, most of the dictatorship was very pro-catholic and anti-jew) were toutured and killed, one by one, until they signed over the company. As of right now Clarin group and la Nacion have a monopoly on paper.
If I am not wrong, Clarin also owns Pagina12. If it is true, they will have to sell it.
Bajo_cero2 said:
If I am not wrong, Clarin also owns Pagina12. If it is true, they will have to sell it.

You're wrong.

Pagina12 belongs to Editorial La Pagina SA - nada que ver con Grupo Clarin.

Anyways, this whole conflict has to do with Audiovisual communications and media signals, so newspapers are not affected. In any way.

Montauk_Project: This current argument is whether it is valid to implement a law specifically aimed at a company, and make the company conform to that law. Starting December 7th of this year, if the current Court Issued Injunction against Article 161 is not extended, Grupo Clarin will need to begin with its plan for divestment to conform with the law.

It would not be the court that puts the licenses up for bid, but rather an executive branch agency.
Seems Clarin group is most likely in violation of anti-trust laws. But let's face it .. if they were pro government.. none of this prosecution would be going on. THAT is really the point.
Very good, I may have oversimplified things, it just feels nice to say "you're wrong" sometimes...

Under any circumstances, Grupo Clarin does not own - nor does it have an influence over the editorial line of - La Pagina SA. Just because it is a shareholder, does not say it exercises it shareholder rights to name directors, etc.
Clarin is the most powerful media enterprise by FAR FAR FAR FAR!

The Clarin newspaper is the most popular of ARgentina,

They became this big, with all kinds of illegalities thru the years.

(example: Clarin did not show the 2001 crisis, nor the killings by police in Avellaneda station 2002........cause they had a pact with Duhalde to be relieved of their biggest debt to the state)

At that time Clarin title was "Crisis takes away two more people"

When it was actually the president who ordered the killing.

They own 83% of all TV in the whole country.
And that share of the market, is illegal.
They will have to downsize.
And leave space for others.

They will eventually create "Ghost companies" and will get their cake anyway.
If the Clarin holding is forced to divest of some assets, most likely those assets will be acquired by pro K media conglomerates to reinforce their coverage.