"Clarin" newspaper is shutting down on 15 Oct

asadofed said:
Clarin is the most powerful media enterprise by FAR FAR FAR FAR!

The Clarin newspaper is the most popular of ARgentina,

They became this big, with all kinds of illegalities thru the years.

(example: Clarin did not show the 2001 crisis, nor the killings by police in Avellaneda station 2002........cause they had a pact with Duhalde to be relieved of their biggest debt to the state)

At that time Clarin title was "Crisis takes away two more people"

When it was actually the president who ordered the killing.

They own 83% of all TV in the whole country.
And that share of the market, is illegal.
They will have to downsize.
And leave space for others.

They will eventually create "Ghost companies" and will get their cake anyway.

It is funny, as I understand there a lot of other networks in place, and yet the government only pursues Clarin as it is damaging the principals image and interests. Pretty much all the rest of the tv stations and media outlets are in a way a huge media monopoly fueled by the public adverts budget. "You show what I like and hide what I don't and you keep in business" kind of deal!

The effect of this was clearly seen in the last protest where TN was the only station showing the protests while the others either denied it or tried to discredit the protesters showing empty streets and saying it was all about the USD exchange limitations. So it really goes both ways about Clarin "hiding" or not "disclosing" about a killing.

I'm totally against monopolies of any kind, but don't fool ourselves, the whole law was pushed so the media could be managed and tamed by the government who is running a massive propaganda apparatus.

As far as Papel Prensa or whatever the name was, I read about it and it is a nasty story. However there are quite a few other examples of companies and politicians, some of which are currently ultra K and currently in public exercise, that benefited greatly from the dictatorship era and pulling strings with the military junta. Again, they just went against Clarin because it is definitely against the government agenda, whereas the others, also stained with blood, get to roam freely for being pro K.