Cleaning Stainless Steel Pots And Pans


Mar 10, 2012
Since I am the master of the kitchen in our house and do 90% of the cooking (yes, my wife got lucky) I brought with me from the States my favorite cook set. This cook set is stainless steel with copper bottoms. I historically used either Barkeeper's Friend or Bon Ami to keep the pots and pans clean and used tomato paste or ketchup to bring the copper bottoms back to their like-new shine. However, I have not found either Bon Ami or Barkeeper's Friend here.

Have you seen these products here or have you seen alternatives?

Thanks in advance.

If the inside of your pot is really good & premium, make boil lavandina (unpleasant fumes though but deadly efficient if I may say so).
If the inside of your pot is really good & premium, make boil lavandina (unpleasant fumes though but deadly efficient if I may say so).
Yeah, boil lavandina (a/k/a chlorine bleach) and once the fumes asphyxiate you, your entire family and maybe the pets and neighbors too, your pots and pans will be all sparkly clean!! THIS IS CRAZY- CHLORINE GAS IS MORE TOXIC THAN MUSTARD GAS!!
A great non-toxic and environmentally friendly way to clean stainless steel is with white vinegar on a soft cloth, lemon juice and or some toothpaste. If you use toothpaste make sure to test it on a small spot of the shiny finish, some toothpastes that contain silica can scratch and others are more gentle. YOUR FAMILY, PETS, NEIGHBORS AND LA POLICIA FEDERAL SECCIÓN DE MEDICINA FORENSE WILL THANK YOU FOR IT!!
Clean them right after cooking or at least leave them soaking in water. Stainless is fairly easy to clean until the food cakes itself on. It also helps to heat the also heat the pans with a little bit of water over the stove, not to boiling temp, just warm, before scrubbing with a stiff brush. Anything that doesn't come off can be hit with some steel wool and it'll work like a charm

Speaking of copper cookware, I need to have some re tinned, does anybody have a recommendation for a good whitesmith in capital?
I have not used him yet, but found a little shop just past Sodamarc, across the street, on the way to Olivos. We went in and talked to him, we didn't have our pot with us. The shop is filled with pots, and looks like he does a great job.
What ever happened to ODEX? It was similar to BON AMI or COMET. Seems to have disappeared.
No, CIF is something else. ODEX is or was an abrasive cleanser like BON AMI