Climate in Argentina

This isn't directly on the climate topic, but it's certainly related. As the following article makes clear, the electricity generators are warning of massive power outages in the coming, presumably La Niña, summer:

This article gives some more background information, particularly on the political context:

While the current government is in full "ah pero Alberto" mode, blaming "inherited problems", the article makes clear that planned and funded projects to generate 3300 MW of power, and the AMBA I and AMBA II works to be financed by China, were cancelled by the current government for ideological reasons.

I'm looking into heat pumps, solar panels, and diesel generators. If anyone has information to share I'd welcome it. Or maybe the solution would be decamping to the Atlantic coast (though that might be more expensive).
What’s a heat pump going to do for you if you have no electric?
The heat pumps I'm looking at are solar powered, big coils of tubes you put on your flat roof. It's not clear to me that there's an electrical connection, but I'll check. There are certainly gas-powered heat pumps available.
27 Sept 2024
Government announces measures to avoid power outages. In a hurry in the face of the emergency....As detailed in the so-called Summer Plan 2024 - 2025, among the actions to be carried out by the national government, scheduled outages to residential users are not foreseen. In addition, during the summer, the technical shutdown of the Atucha I Nuclear Power Plant; the hydrological situation in Brazil; and the extensive heat waves that are forecasted, which would demand 30,700 MW, thus surpassing the historical peak of 29,653 MW in February of this year.
I was recommended to get a Generac 8kVA gas generator, about USD 7k for the module, plus USD 1.2k for the gas connection, meter, and so on, including the work..

A petrol generator is cheaper, maybe USD 3k for a triphase one, but you could go through 30 litres of fuel in a day.

I've been surprised at how wet it's been (got woken up at 5am this morning by a thunderbolt in front of the house), but maybe this gives some perspective:

Looking at the two week forecast, they're predicting a high of 38c next Thursday, the 16th. Hopefully that will come down as the date approaches.

38 is disastrous, the power starts to go off over large parts of the city and you just want to die.
There doesn't seem to be much interest in the weather reports. You might generate more discussion if you stick to the winning formula of prolific political commentary.

With a day passed between your penultimate post and your last one, and no comment from anyone else in between, and nothing from anyone since Thursday, it seems you are slanging it out with yourself on this one.

Who has the time to count how many days pass without a comment? On someone else's post?

Get a life.....!
Power cut in the boonies north of CABA at only 28 degrees 🙄

At least we have 4K litres of water in tanks on the roof so we won’t run out of water anytime soon. Plus we have a bottled gas cooker in the “Quincho”. Waiting to get our Generac gas generator soon, when I have money again 🙄