GMXam Registered Joined Oct 17, 2013 Messages 1,225 Likes 978 May 20, 2014 #62 Yeah, we may switch to Coffee Chat Wednesdays, Pub Chat Fridays...but this is still under considerations...maybe if we can find another host for Friday coffee chat, we can have both. Any volunteers?
Yeah, we may switch to Coffee Chat Wednesdays, Pub Chat Fridays...but this is still under considerations...maybe if we can find another host for Friday coffee chat, we can have both. Any volunteers?
GMXam Registered Joined Oct 17, 2013 Messages 1,225 Likes 978 May 20, 2014 #63 Come on, you guys, you know you wanna spend your Friday afternoon from 4-6 talking with other expats over coffee...Susie and I can't be the only ones!
Come on, you guys, you know you wanna spend your Friday afternoon from 4-6 talking with other expats over coffee...Susie and I can't be the only ones!
GMXam Registered Joined Oct 17, 2013 Messages 1,225 Likes 978 May 21, 2014 #64 GMXam said: 4PM Wednesday, 21 May, 2014 Cocu Malabia 1510 (Palermo, Corner - Malabia at Gorriti) Click to expand... Feel like trouncing around in the rain? Come meet us for coffee chat!
GMXam said: 4PM Wednesday, 21 May, 2014 Cocu Malabia 1510 (Palermo, Corner - Malabia at Gorriti) Click to expand... Feel like trouncing around in the rain? Come meet us for coffee chat!
Redpossum Registered Joined Mar 20, 2014 Messages 2,978 Likes 3,018 May 21, 2014 #65 GMXam said: Feel like trouncing around in the rain? Come meet us for coffee chat! Click to expand... /me looks out window at rain, shakes head, picks up mug of hot tea and stretches toes toward nice warm radiator.
GMXam said: Feel like trouncing around in the rain? Come meet us for coffee chat! Click to expand... /me looks out window at rain, shakes head, picks up mug of hot tea and stretches toes toward nice warm radiator.
GMXam Registered Joined Oct 17, 2013 Messages 1,225 Likes 978 May 21, 2014 #66 You're missing it...nice and warm here...and good company, and the rain let up
GMXam Registered Joined Oct 17, 2013 Messages 1,225 Likes 978 May 22, 2014 #67 Coffee Chat tomorrow: 5PM Friday, 23 May, 2014 Import Coffee Company Libertad 1150 (Recoleta, Corner - Libertad at Santa Fe)
Coffee Chat tomorrow: 5PM Friday, 23 May, 2014 Import Coffee Company Libertad 1150 (Recoleta, Corner - Libertad at Santa Fe)
GMXam Registered Joined Oct 17, 2013 Messages 1,225 Likes 978 May 23, 2014 #68 Last reminder of the chat 5PM Friday, 23 May, 2014 Import Coffee Company Libertad 1150 (Recoleta, Corner - Libertad at Santa Fe)
Last reminder of the chat 5PM Friday, 23 May, 2014 Import Coffee Company Libertad 1150 (Recoleta, Corner - Libertad at Santa Fe)
E estebandepraga Registered Joined Nov 20, 2009 Messages 1,306 Likes 1,153 May 23, 2014 #69 HI I'll try to come but I have Portuguese at 1830 but I'll do my best!
Redpossum Registered Joined Mar 20, 2014 Messages 2,978 Likes 3,018 May 23, 2014 #70 I'll be there, fates willing.