Coffee Grinders?

If all else fails go to La Bolsa del Cafe or similar store and buy a blend of Colombian and Kona or other brands of coffee, have it ground to your needs, espresso etc. :cool:
i bought my electric grinder in Coto in the Palermo area (on Charcas, I think but not sure since I don't go there often. Like lacoqueta, I've seen the hand grinders in many places around Buenos Airea. So you'll find one.
or try Easy, Jumbo (the big one on Bullrich), Sodimac... all of these are safe bets.
I had to give up my electric coffee grinder. My hangovers could not stand the noise in the morning.
I have two electric grinders that I've been meaning to sell for a while.

1) Is a Black & Decker Burr Grinder:

2) Coffee/Spice Grinder like this... though it might be BRAUN rather than KRUPS. (It's in a box right now.): grinders

I have a few 300W power converters that I plug my appliances into. (Blenders/Grinders...)

I will sell either, or both. I've been meaning to downsize for a while now. After 2.5 years in one apartment and then 2.5 years in another, I've accumulated a lot of extras that I've realized I don't need. I've been subletting here and there for the last 6 months and with each move, I've been jettison things. I'm thinking that I'll build one of those Picasa pages and put things on it.

Let me know if anyone's interested.
I had the Krupps for years before it burned out yesterday. It truly ground the coffee well. I think I'll check out Barrio Chino for the hand grinders and if I don't find one that suits my needs I'll go to Once and search for my dream manual grinder. If not, perhaps I'll look at the Braun you've got Napoleon.

I have two electric grinders that I've been meaning to sell for a while.

2) Coffee/Spice Grinder like this... though it might be BRAUN rather than KRUPS. (It's in a box right now.): grinders

I have a few 300W power converters that I plug my appliances into. (Blenders/Grinders...)
Hi Vermonter,

In the end, have you found your hand grinder? Where?
