Conversation Group?

I will organise it then, lets say an hour of spanish conversation, have to think about where & when. Also, not sure if it will work without some locals involved. Otherwise it'll descend into English pretty sharpish ?

I was sort of hoping to crash an existing group, but maybe it makes sense to sort something out?
there are lots of language exchanges out there, and i've been going to a few, but they are usually at loudish bars. theres mundo lingo a few nights a a week, and i think spanglish on saturdays, and a few couchsurfing conversation groups throughout the week that meet after work with some mate that we could probably crash.

but yes, we definitely need some argies in the mix too!
i wonder if the thought was a language exchange, if so I'm not interested. I'm as I mentioned before more to talk and exchange experiences about living here par example, making your way into a social net here, dealing with politics, etc.
I think that is the intent, but also for it to be in spanish, presumably to practice a bit more talking about real world topics, with some argies in the mix to keep us honest. At least I think that was the intent! I guess I saw the proposal as a sort of one-way language exchange haha