Cost of living/immigration from Europe

Chris_Porto said:
Regarding current cost of living, I was wondering how accurate those of you currently living in Bs As would consider the data on to be (you can see a comparison with Lisbon here- I would really appreciate some feedback on this.

Many thanks.

I think at this point Lisbon is less expensive. I can't see the prices for each thing listed so I can't compare. Send me the list with prices for Lisbon, I'll do the list for you for BA.
Buenos Aires on most levels is dearer than Europe except for buying properties where it is significantly cheaper due to no available credit for the middle class.

Food in general in Buenos Aires is dearer and clothes are of the same price. Electronics and furniture are much dearer .
Chris_Porto said:
1. With a joint income of approximately AR$165k per year I am assuming we could live quite well in Buenos Aires
Why BsAs?

In Mendoza a medium-middlecclass couple with three children, own house w/ 4 bedrooms, garden and two cars spend AR$ 7,000 - 7,500/month.

If you can work through the internet, you'll be very well off.