COVID-19 vaccine development pipeline gears up

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Regarding vaccine efficacy, it's a complex subject. To take the Oxford vaccine as an example, the 60% you refer to is some midpoint between ...

Oxford/Astrazeneca did something strange during their clinical studies. 60% efficacy is recorded when two doses are administered at once. 90% efficacy - when half-dose is administered first, and second dose a month later. And normal approach is one full dose, followed by another one a month later. So, the results are difficult to interpret. I believe the efficacy of Astrazeneca will be revised up when data from UK vaccination will become available.

01 February 2021
The WHO will deliver millions of doses in Latin America through the COVAX Initiative in February. The presidents of Bolivia, Paraguay, Colombia and Guatemala affirmed through their social networks the arrival of batches of vaccines to their respective countries.

According to the Europa Press news agency, Bolivia began its first vaccination campaign last Friday, January 29, with the administration of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine to health personnel. Meanwhile, Colombia, Paraguay and Guatemala plan to start the administration of the vaccines in the coming months. The president of Colombia, Ivan Duque, assured: "The COVAX Initiative confirmed that Colombia is in the first group of nations that will receive, in February, the vaccines from Pfizer/Biontech and AstraZeneca acquired within this strategy." Along the same lines, the president of Guatemala, Alejandro Guiammattei, indicated that "the first batch of vaccines was assigned to Guatemala, which consists of more than 800,000 doses that will arrive in our country between mid and late February. In Paraguay, 300,000 doses will be delivered, as recognized by the president, Mario Abdo. These four Latin American countries are mired in the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic that the region is experiencing, with several spikes in new cases and record number of deaths.

01 February 2021
When will the Covax vaccines arrive in Argentina? The Government estimates that through the system they will get 9 million doses. How the priority list works....
....In this way, the initiative offers:
*Vaccine doses for at least 20% of the population of the countries.
*A diversified and actively managed injection portfolio .
*Delivery of immunizations as soon as they are available.

COVAX acts as an intermediary, that is, it is in charge of negotiating between companies and governments, and also serves as a collector. Its funds are obtained from what it receives in donations from countries, individuals and entities with a philanthropic profile to subsidize the states with fewer possibilities. Argentina is one of the 190 nations that are within the fund. The government of Alberto Fernandez announced that it has the delivery of 51 million doses until July, according to contracts signed with the Gamaleya Institute of Russia (Sputnik V), Oxford-AstraZeneca and the COVAX Initiative.

Government forecasts of the arrival of vaccines based on signed contracts. (Source: Chequeado)

....Following a series of deals secured by Gavi, the vaccines developed by AstraZeneca and Pfizer-BioNTech should be the first to ship in February, with others to join by April 2021, including Novavax and Johnson & Johnson.

Vaccine supplies are expected to increase steadily month-over-month this year. Doses will be administered in proportion to populations, so by the end of 2021, Southeast Asia and Africa will be the regions that will receive the most doses. This is followed by.... 2,80 million in the Americas and the Caribbean....Obtaining these doses will depend on fundraising and other factors. However, the Initiative's calculations suggest that all countries, rich or poor, should be able to guarantee the immunization of health workers, the elderly and vulnerable groups before the end of the year.

Looks like Argentina may soon have a third contract in addition to Gamaleya and Astrazenaca with 1m doses that should arrive in FEB.

What do we know about Sinopharm?

Is it true that the government have actually abandoned further discussions with Pfizer so no more hope of a contract there?

Es un secreto de Estado que podría revelarse en las próximas horas: Alberto Fernández está a un paso de lograr un acuerdo con Xi Jinping por la provisión de 30 millones de dosis de la vacuna china contra el COVID-19. Es una noticia formidable para la Casa Rosada que ayer descartó un acuerdo comercial con la empresa farmacéutica Pfizer y aguardó sin resultado que el Kremlin confirmara cuando aterrizarán en Ezeiza las 20 millones de vacunas Sputnik V que prometió el Fondo Ruso de Inversión Directa.

Desde una perspectiva científica y burocrática todo ya ha sido resuelto. Los análisis técnicos están en la ANMAT, y Aerolíneas Argentinas tiene alistada una hoja de ruta para viajar sin demoras a Beijing. Cuando el vuelo charter finalmente aterrice en Buenos Aires, Ginés González García tiene previsto comunicar que se concedió la autorización para aplicar la vacuna de Sinopharm.
The Lancet publicó datos sobre la vacuna Sputnik V: mostró efectividad de 91,6 % y no registró efectos adversos graves

Alberto Fernández firmará en las próximas un acuerdo con Xi Jinping por 30 millones de dosis de la vacuna contra el COVID-19 de Sinopharm

Argentina seeking agreement with Russia to produce Sputnik V vaccine
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....What do we know about Sinopharm?
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