Credit Card Statement's


Jan 31, 2010
Basically I just wanted to start a thread to hear about other's experiences with their most recent Credit Card Statement - did you have purchases that got charged the 15% retention, etc.

Personally, the only "foreign" purchase I made was through Paypal, however I had Paypal charge my credit card in Pesos at their rate ($,10/,15 higher than official rate). And happily enough, I saw no 15% retention on my credit card balance.

¿What do you all have to say, has this already been implemented and is effecting you?

Absolutely affected our statements -- we were in Canada when the new law passed, we had checked into a hotel the night previous (hotwire deal Sutton Place for 106 CAD a night), the next day friends who had seen us on skype were calling to tell us about new tax, our hotel price jumped 15% overnight... and every transaction thereafter on the card has had the new tax levied.

Oh but hey, don`t worry all those taxes are going to be deducted from our impuestos a la ganancia at the end of the year (yeah, right -- cue eyeroll...)
syngirl said:
Absolutely affected our statements -- we were in Canada when the new law passed, we had checked into a hotel the night previous (hotwire deal Sutton Place for 106 CAD a night), the next day friends who had seen us on skype were calling to tell us about new tax, our hotel price jumped 15% overnight... and every transaction thereafter on the card has had the new tax levied.

Oh but hey, don`t worry all those taxes are going to be deducted from our impuestos a la ganancia at the end of the year (yeah, right -- cue eyeroll...)

I hear that CFK is working on a 15% tax on Americans using US based cards in Argentina. Seems those nasty foreign banks are being un-cooperative. Anyway, the "Impuesto por delitos imperialistas, económicos y sociales, en contra de Argentina" otherwise known as "Impuesto Yankee" is currently being debated in Congress and certain to pass with a large majority. President Obama is reported to have conferred with President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner on the subject and is in full agreement as to the appropriateness of the tax. "On behalf of all enlightened Americans, I sincerely apologize for the great wrongs and injustices the US has committed against your nation. This is one of the many unspeakable crimes my nation has committed against humankind". Before ending the call President Obama stood, bowed deeply from the waist and bid Her Excellency many years of health, wealth and happiness.
We weren't hit by them in September. Apparently, even though the increase came into effect on the 1st of Sep, the system wasn't fully in place to implement it (at least not with our provider). We've been charged the 15% as from the 1st of Oct
Don't worry Ashley, I'm surte the govt will figure out a way to charge people retroactively to sept 1st... and then make sure that the system of deductions to impuestos a la ganancia isn't in place until oh.... never.
Even if you do get the pesos back at the end of year (all other things equal) you will lose out to inflation...