Very worried about this development....local prices will go up
Already 5 or 7 brands of Sidenafil (Viagra ) are manufactured locally, Viripotens, Viagra, etc, A Government Pharmaceutical Company a bunch of Poppycock B)
Viagra should be subsidized for seniors like medications for recurring ailments like Hipertension, Diabetis,
And now this is interpreted in this blog as "But the government of Argentina has really taken this to another level."
Also to be noted: "She has jailed economists and central bankers who don’t do her bidding." -> OK, some people have been warned, fined, there have been negociations with a gun on the table but nobody has been jailed (AFAIK).
There are things that should be better here, indeed, but this looks like a failed attempt or a deliberate manipulation or pure mediocrity or too much Malbec!
EDIT: it looks like a scam site, with some "end of the world" propaganda, no?! (check the banner: " A Financial Hurricane Is Coming…Get Our Crash Course On How To Protect Yourself For Free"