Cristina lost a Friend today


Mar 21, 2007
adios, have a nice time in paradise.
Politicians pose with each other all the time, and specific ones go in and out of favor all the time. Do you need me to dig up embarassing photos of Qadaffi with McCain, Bush, and a host of other right-thinking 'mericans? I never thought highly of the Libyan, but its ammusing how quickly so many people swallowed the party doctrine when Qadaffi turned into a great friend of western democracy because he opened up Libya to the oil multinationals, but then returned to parriah after he started asserting Libyan nationalism and insisted on a larger portion of the profits to boot.
It's quite interesting to look at the videos (including the forensic one with headshot in the temporal lobe).

He had been captured, he was -heavily?- wounded but alive, then someone decides to shoot him in the head (One shot = it was calculated and properly -one shot- executed).
Too bad he can't talk now... mmmhhhhhh :rolleyes:
Well done, a couple more of oil wells in the bag, where we're going next? Venezuela, Iran..... Russia maybe, ah! No that one it's too big let's get the small ones first with the help of a wolf pack coalition to share the expenses as well as the profits, shall we?..
kurtdillard said:
Politicians pose with each other all the time, and specific ones go in and out of favor all the time. Do you need me to dig up embarassing photos of Qadaffi with McCain, Bush, and a host of other right-thinking 'mericans? I never thought highly of the Libyan, but its ammusing how quickly so many people swallowed the party doctrine when Qadaffi turned into a great friend of western democracy because he opened up Libya to the oil multinationals, but then returned to parriah after he started asserting Libyan nationalism and insisted on a larger portion of the profits to boot.
Oh gee and I didn't know that. Maybe while your digging up photos you can dig up some shots of PanAm 103????? Start digging
ghost said:
Oh gee and I didn't know that. Maybe while your digging up photos you can dig up some shots of PanAm 103????? Start digging

I'll do it if you can dig up some photos of Iran Air Flight 655. CIA reports suggest that the bombing of Flight 103 was in retaliation for the bombing of Iran Air Flight 655, which Iran still says the United States shot down intentionally. As per usual, a lot of this stuff is more murky than it seems with both sides throwing around the blame for a lot of different incidents.

Gaddafi would still be in power if he had been able to keep protests under control, and, most importantly, keep that oil spigot open. As one commentator put it (can't remember his name), do you think that NATO would have gone after Gaddafi if the country's prime export were broccoli? Isn't it peculiar that European countries led the way, which just happen to be the main beneficiaries of Libyan oil? Fighting wars solely for human rights makes good press, but it's not good policy. There's no economic/political benefit in invading Somalia, Zimbabwe, and a host of other countries. If it's not politically or economically advantageous, why bother? It's the sad reality of a system that values cost and profit more than anything else.