Cristina lost a Friend today

Being the scum of the earth is not illegal, but there is most likely a limit to how long people will be willing to go on believing that. I raise my glass of tea to Muammar, a unique and colorful dictator who made other bloodthirsty tyrants look like mice.]

Excellent. And funny. Notice, if you will that Obama is the only person we have seen in these and several other PIX that looks Gadhafi straight in the eyes. [I know what he was thinking]
With Mr. 0

Being polite to some sleazebag

With Vova


It seems that wasn't Cristina the only one who 'lost a friend' as ghost suggested, but a few more prominent people than her I reckon.
I predict that the quality of life for people in Libya will decrease as a result of this "uprising".
marksoc said:
I predict that the quality of life for people in Libya will decrease as a result of this "uprising".

I would say that you are right. The impulsive dictatorial fear factor might not be there, but the poverty, crime, & religious fanaticism will be worse.
The post that Ghost posted about Gaddafi and his murder that was splashed over the front pages of the world newspapers was in most bad taste. I believe in morals and the sanctity of human life but it seems that the media and its crony supporters have become like vultures feasting on the suffering and indignity of others

Libya today has been destroyed with over 50,000 dead and beautiful cities destroyed . This is the reality of war and nothing else!!!!!