Cristina stripped of two pensions of priviledge

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Ah yeah, no. The President doesn't have the power to do that. This is grossly unconstitutional on the part of Milei. Cristina, obviously unintimidated by all this, called him out quite bluntly, saying "You are so off-center that the little dictator you always carried inside is appearing."

This won't stand, no chance at all. This is just posturing by Milei, trying to act the tough guy.

Another quote from the story above -

Along those lines, CFK sent Milei to ask the widow of former President Fernando De la Rúa , Inés Pertiné, who receives the same pension even though her husband "had to leave the Casa Rosada by helicopter two years before the end of his term, after leaving a trail of dead people --literally-- in Plaza de Mayo," or Zulema Menem, who receives the pension of her husband Carlos Menem who, "left the world with criminal cases regarding arms smuggling, government officials' extra salaries, and other such things," she pointed out. Zulemita Menem responded with a tweet in which she confirmed that her mother receives the pension and listed a series of legal cases that her father had, in which, like CFK, he has no final judgment.
Oh, yes, and just for amusement value, here's what ChatGPT had to say when asked to analyze the conviction. Read it if you dare.

The usual Google Translate deal, banner is in Castellano and story will initially appear in that tongue, but wait a few seconds and it will change to English.