Cristina Wins In Antarctica!

OK what's the difference between Clarín and La Nacion? They're both anti-CK, right?
OK what's the difference between Clarín and La Nacion? They're both anti-CK, right?

I think there is a difference. La Nacion is a conservative paper with certain philosophical point of view that they stick with. Clarin is a mega media corporation whose message aligns with whomever is meeting their business objectives - which is typically expansion.

"Pecado Original" is an entire book on the subject ( I haven't read it, but there is an interesting summary here that makes me want to read the book. The gist is that Clarin can (help) get you into power, but can easily turn on you if you aren't meeting their business interests. And it didn't start with the Kirchners.

All the current corruption exposés seem like a such a breath of fresh air, the fourth estate doing their intended job, uncovering corruption, speaking truth to power etc. And it is. But, for example, all the Nestor Kirchner / Lazaro Baez stuff was happening when Nestor and Clarin were best of buddies. Periodismo Para Todos only started in 2012. It can end as fast as it began.

Whether you agree with it or not, at least La Nacion is consistent with their economic and political philosophy.

To the "I heart Clarin" crowd, I'm just saying it's more complex than it seems.