Customs fees for items shipped to Argentina


Dec 14, 2010
Can someone explain how the customs fees works with items shipped from the U.S. and into Argentina? My laptop recently broke and I was hoping to have one shipped down from family, but was advised against it because of shipping and customs fees. A family member of mine gets free shipping with FedEx because of his job, so I don´t have to worry about shipping fees. I would have the laptop shipped to Bariloche where I am currently on a tourist visa. I have heard that the customs fee is 50% of the value. A) How do they determine the value? B) Is there any way to declare that the item is for a tourist and will be taken out of country to reduce fees? I appreciate any information you can provide. Thanks.
Indeed that would be 50% on the value (either declared or even estimated by the ARG customs) + 50% on shipping (if that's 0, then 0) + Broker fees.

In theory it could eventually be possible to receive it as unacompanied luggage but in real life, it's going to be really tricky (you can give Fedex a call anyway).

Your best bet is to know someone coming here from the US of course.

Good luck
hutch85 said:
A) How do they determine the value? B) Is there any way to declare that the item is for a tourist and will be taken out of country to reduce fees? I appreciate any information you can provide. Thanks.

A) Kind of randomly...
B) It took my ex a very long time to convince them that the netbook he was going to bring into the country would leave the country when he was leaving it too, basically it is just a pain in the neck to import anything into here, it doesn't matter if it is used or not...
It is a 50% tax. If you ship it make sure to include a receipt or they are going to pick the price. I've had about 4 boxes sent here to Bariloche & have been lucky enough to not pay taxes because it's presents for the kids but I doubt they'll let a computer slide. Research the cost to ship, tax & shee how much they cost here to see if it is worth it.
Yes, that's right. I'm looking at the invoice from DHL as I write this. Why? Because the shipper declared it has having a value of $20, then the freight is taxed, it was €40 (US$55) to send it. So you figure it out. It's 50%. I paid the bill by credit card and rang my bank to dispute the transaction as it was agreed by DHL to be wrong but 'there is nothing we can do' which became 'we will open an international case'....oh yer sure. But I never signed anything so I hope I can make an argument for it to the bank and have them withhold the money. Worth a try I thought. Basically, don't import anything of value or you will get ripped off. Sad country.
Concur with all the previous posters. Ship to ARG at your own financial peril.
My mom shipped me my rugby jersey and chocolate that my girlfriend likes a few yeas ago. PROBLEMS / STRESS!! I wouldn't bother trying to have anything shipped here again. It was DHL and they were so unhelpful I wanted to reach through the phone and strangle the moron.
Receiving goods shipped from abroad..and sometimes even from within is a big PITA! No, not a peach of Greek bread but rather a pain in the ass! MAybe a book or cd in Albanian might get through as no one wants or can understand them , but not much more!