Dólar Blue Predictions

Well, one good thing.....for the Blue to go up....it has to first stop going down. And maybe it has.
Well, one good thing.....for the Blue to go up....it has to first stop going down. And maybe it has.
I don't think it will regain former ratio, because purchase power of people buying dolars will continue to lower. As much I'm doubtful of milei activities, he might keep it low for some time. And I for one hope he succeeds, even if I'll be a bit screwed in the process...
Kicillof has too much baggage. He could end up being the PJ party president, but Cafiero will certainly be the President of the Nation. No one can look at his face and tell me that it won't happen. While Kicillof campaigned with Cristina, Cafiero met with world leaders. I am pretty sure he will eventually be the President.

Met with world leaders and made an utter jackass of himself in front of them all.

The Europeans may forgive him for that, eventually, but the Saudis & Emiratis never will. You don't get a second chance with those folks when you're in a position of responsibility. In a personal relationship they can be very kind and forgiving, yes, but not when you hold power. If you diddle the goat, you're through.
Cafiero is not very capable. He's only in the position that he is in because of his grandfather and father.

Kicillof is much smarter, savvy and more of a favorite of the Ks.
In past years the dollar often went down in late December, Something to do with big producers selling their crops, and companies needing pesos to pay for year-end expenses like aguinaldos, etc. The coming weeks should tell if the Blue Dollar bonanza is really over.

Personally, I'm guessing that it is. But it is still too early to know - we shall see after the current shakedown is over.